We use Crystal 8 and the Viewer Bean, and have been pretty successful and we do it the same way you describe above. The only suggestion I have is that you add the parameters in the same order as they were created on the report.
The report I am using has only one parameter in it.
I am assuming that all param passing is based on order as, as you mentioned and also the setReportParameter() method only takes one argument anyway.
We are adding the report param to the heading as per usual, ans then using it in a record selection criteria. Is there anything special we need to do in the report?
What are the chances of you sending me your e-mail, so that I could send you an exmaple of the code we use to load and operate the Viewer Bean. I would really like to get to know a few other people using the Viewer Bean, because as you probably know, the documentation on it is very poor, we can't even locate the seagate javadocs(if they exist). We had a battle even getting the bean to work properly to start with! I am wondering if you found some docs we didn't...?
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