Via an HTML form I am collecting two dates.
The vbscript (ASP) gets the dates thus:
' *********** Date Selection ********
XtalSdate = request.form("StartDate"
XtalEdate = request.form("EndDate"
I wish to send these dates to a report via -:
' *********** Send selection string **********
Session("oRpt".RecordSelectionFormula = strSelection
where strSelection is like
e.g. {Proj.Project_startdate} <= " & XtalEdate & " and " & {Proj.Project_enddate} >= " & XtalSdate
How do I present the 'string' dates to the report in a format/formula that CR recognises?
The rpt requires the dates as string values from ASP but chokes claiming "a date or time is required here" etc...,
I must send these dates as part of the selection formula, not as parameters.
I've previously successfully passed dates as parameters from asp, but how to do so in a selection string??
The vbscript (ASP) gets the dates thus:
' *********** Date Selection ********
XtalSdate = request.form("StartDate"
XtalEdate = request.form("EndDate"
I wish to send these dates to a report via -:
' *********** Send selection string **********
Session("oRpt".RecordSelectionFormula = strSelection
where strSelection is like
e.g. {Proj.Project_startdate} <= " & XtalEdate & " and " & {Proj.Project_enddate} >= " & XtalSdate
How do I present the 'string' dates to the report in a format/formula that CR recognises?
The rpt requires the dates as string values from ASP but chokes claiming "a date or time is required here" etc...,
I must send these dates as part of the selection formula, not as parameters.
I've previously successfully passed dates as parameters from asp, but how to do so in a selection string??