I want to pass to a user made VBA function non only a range bu a multiple range.
In particular, in excel it is possible to make something like:
and it makes the sum of Sheet1!A1 +Sheet2!A1+Sheet3!A1.
I'd like to have a function that can manage the same type of "union of ranges":
I was not able to define the function in such a way to manage the multiple range in it.
for example this doesn't work:
=MyFun (r as range)
I obtain always a #VALUE! hen in the worksheet i select a multiple range.
Thenk you
I want to pass to a user made VBA function non only a range bu a multiple range.
In particular, in excel it is possible to make something like:
and it makes the sum of Sheet1!A1 +Sheet2!A1+Sheet3!A1.
I'd like to have a function that can manage the same type of "union of ranges":
I was not able to define the function in such a way to manage the multiple range in it.
for example this doesn't work:
=MyFun (r as range)
I obtain always a #VALUE! hen in the worksheet i select a multiple range.
Thenk you