Hi all,
Im in need of some support in writing a piece of VB Scrip for my website.
Im pulling data from a Access data base and want the data to be in the correct format, as in the capitals in the correct places etc, "House not house"
Ive got the first bit going ok in that the fields from tha data base with only one word entrys can be displayed like this one
<% myVar_location = (RS_member_detail_page.Fields.Item("location".Value)Response.Write(uCase(left(myvar_location,1))) & (right(myvar_location, Len(myvar_location)-1))
Now being a newbie to VBS this took me a while to figure out..........So If one of the recordsets being pulled has a field in which there is a sentence or a few words
Can anyone advise me on how to count the words and number of charactures used.
Im not sure how to parse spaces? If there is a sentance is it just recognised as 1 string..
Many thanks in advance
Im in need of some support in writing a piece of VB Scrip for my website.
Im pulling data from a Access data base and want the data to be in the correct format, as in the capitals in the correct places etc, "House not house"
Ive got the first bit going ok in that the fields from tha data base with only one word entrys can be displayed like this one
<% myVar_location = (RS_member_detail_page.Fields.Item("location".Value)Response.Write(uCase(left(myvar_location,1))) & (right(myvar_location, Len(myvar_location)-1))
Now being a newbie to VBS this took me a while to figure out..........So If one of the recordsets being pulled has a field in which there is a sentence or a few words
Can anyone advise me on how to count the words and number of charactures used.
Im not sure how to parse spaces? If there is a sentance is it just recognised as 1 string..
Many thanks in advance