I am sorry if I there is something that answers my question in this forum already.
I am new to rexx and am writing an Edit macro at the moment but also need some help.
What the macro should do is when you put the cursor under an Include/copydeck name in a source of a program, it should look (for the include) through the SYSLIBS for that particular language, and when it finds it should open a browse session, without leaving the current edit session of course.
I can get the language Definition name, and Include to look for. I want to parse the syslibs (Defined in the language definition) and then look for the include.
The syslibs are listed in a member in this format (with comments in front of it):
* This is a Language Definition for SCLM.
* Language: COBOL DB2
After parsing the source beeing edited, I get 2 importand values (i've assigned them to variables)
These Values are:
Language: COBOLDB2 (language definition where syslibs are, Could be many values but in this example lets assume I found COBOLDB2 is the Language Definition for SCLM)
Include: DCXXXXXX (found in source, Name is fictious)
I know the language definition members are located in ME.PROJDEFS.SOURCE(COBOLDB2)
Now I need to parse the DSN's located right after the string 'FLMSYSLB' of the Language definition member allocate those datasets and search for the DCXXXXXX include there. When found i want to open it in an Browse session.
I hope anyone understands what I mean.
I Would realy appreciate your Help!!
Thanks in advance,
I am sorry if I there is something that answers my question in this forum already.
I am new to rexx and am writing an Edit macro at the moment but also need some help.
What the macro should do is when you put the cursor under an Include/copydeck name in a source of a program, it should look (for the include) through the SYSLIBS for that particular language, and when it finds it should open a browse session, without leaving the current edit session of course.
I can get the language Definition name, and Include to look for. I want to parse the syslibs (Defined in the language definition) and then look for the include.
The syslibs are listed in a member in this format (with comments in front of it):
* This is a Language Definition for SCLM.
* Language: COBOL DB2
After parsing the source beeing edited, I get 2 importand values (i've assigned them to variables)
These Values are:
Language: COBOLDB2 (language definition where syslibs are, Could be many values but in this example lets assume I found COBOLDB2 is the Language Definition for SCLM)
Include: DCXXXXXX (found in source, Name is fictious)
I know the language definition members are located in ME.PROJDEFS.SOURCE(COBOLDB2)
Now I need to parse the DSN's located right after the string 'FLMSYSLB' of the Language definition member allocate those datasets and search for the DCXXXXXX include there. When found i want to open it in an Browse session.
I hope anyone understands what I mean.
I Would realy appreciate your Help!!
Thanks in advance,