Hi everyone,
I've written a program that parses csv files using a pretty simple function (using a bit of help from tek-tips I might add). I've had a request to expand the program to use a number of different file formats.
Basically, I've got three different file formats I need to parse. They are as follows:
Type 1 is a space separated file
Time Pressure(AVE) Flow West(AVE) Flow East
MWG l/s l/s
17/01/02 13:06:00 42.456 0.000 1.280
17/01/02 13:12:00 43.390 0.000 2.320
17/01/02 13:18:00 43.533 0.000 3.280
Type 2 is a tab separated file
Date (dd/mm/yy) Time (hh:mm:ss) MWG
16/01/02 11:33:30 67.471
16/01/02 11:34:30 68.276
16/01/02 11:35:30 67.580
Type 3 is a csv file
Type 1 and 2 files have a number of lines at the top of the files that I want to ignore (all the heading information). Type 1 files have this heading information reappear at random times throughout the file, so I can't just skip over the first 4 lines as they might show up again later in the file.
So, I need to:
a) work out if a file is csv, space delim or tab delim
b) ignore any line that doesn't start with a date field (dd/mm/yy)
Anyone got any suggestions as to how I can go about doing this? Here's what I've got at the moment for parsing csv files (which works fine):
FILE *ptrInputFile=fopen(ansFileName.c_str(),"r"
char chrLine[80];
//Whilst we're able to read lines from the file
while (fgets(chrLine,sizeof chrLine,ptrInputFile))
char *ptrValue;
char chrValue[20];
ptrValue = strtok(chrLine, ","
//first value
if (ptrValue)
sprintf(chrValue, "%s", ptrValue);
//While ptrValue != NULL, there are more values in the line
while( (ptrValue = strtok(NULL, ",") != NULL)
sprintf(chrValue, "%s", ptrValue);
I've written a program that parses csv files using a pretty simple function (using a bit of help from tek-tips I might add). I've had a request to expand the program to use a number of different file formats.
Basically, I've got three different file formats I need to parse. They are as follows:
Type 1 is a space separated file
Time Pressure(AVE) Flow West(AVE) Flow East
MWG l/s l/s
17/01/02 13:06:00 42.456 0.000 1.280
17/01/02 13:12:00 43.390 0.000 2.320
17/01/02 13:18:00 43.533 0.000 3.280
Type 2 is a tab separated file
Date (dd/mm/yy) Time (hh:mm:ss) MWG
16/01/02 11:33:30 67.471
16/01/02 11:34:30 68.276
16/01/02 11:35:30 67.580
Type 3 is a csv file
Type 1 and 2 files have a number of lines at the top of the files that I want to ignore (all the heading information). Type 1 files have this heading information reappear at random times throughout the file, so I can't just skip over the first 4 lines as they might show up again later in the file.
So, I need to:
a) work out if a file is csv, space delim or tab delim
b) ignore any line that doesn't start with a date field (dd/mm/yy)
Anyone got any suggestions as to how I can go about doing this? Here's what I've got at the moment for parsing csv files (which works fine):
FILE *ptrInputFile=fopen(ansFileName.c_str(),"r"
char chrLine[80];
//Whilst we're able to read lines from the file
while (fgets(chrLine,sizeof chrLine,ptrInputFile))
char *ptrValue;
char chrValue[20];
ptrValue = strtok(chrLine, ","
//first value
if (ptrValue)
sprintf(chrValue, "%s", ptrValue);
//While ptrValue != NULL, there are more values in the line
while( (ptrValue = strtok(NULL, ",") != NULL)
sprintf(chrValue, "%s", ptrValue);