I have a field in a table that has constant numbers and variable numbers for instance:
2110 36.54 2120 300.12 2130 24.64
The numbers with decimals change but the other ones are constant in each record. There are always 12 spaces between the constant numbers and the variable numbers but varies between the end of the varible and the next constant number. I need to parse out the variable numbers into seperate fields in a query.
Hope it's clear enough. Thanks
2110 36.54 2120 300.12 2130 24.64
The numbers with decimals change but the other ones are constant in each record. There are always 12 spaces between the constant numbers and the variable numbers but varies between the end of the varible and the next constant number. I need to parse out the variable numbers into seperate fields in a query.
Hope it's clear enough. Thanks