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Parameters stop at 50 records

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Mar 18, 2003
I'm using ASP and the interactive viewer for my report. They are using parameters and there is my problem. The parameter only shows the first 50 records and they stop there. There is about 550 records that won't appear in the parameter pick list. If somebody has a solution for this please tell me. Is there something that is set somewhere to tell him to stop at 50 or is it a problem for the viewer??

Thanx rockoko
Crystal has a function called 'Preview Sample'under Print, which allows the report to stop after 50 or 100 records rather than reading them all. In my experience it has to be intentionally set and then clears itself, I can't see how it could get stuck. But, it's the only thing I can think of to explain your problems. Madawc Williams
East Anglia
Great Britain
You can dictate the record limit in your field browser / parameter list in your regedit area.

Before you try to use any of the information I'm about to give you, I would urge you not to attempt this unless you can back out of it without any trouble, and only if you're comfortable in regeditor.

Open a regedit session, and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\DatabaseServer
If it's not already set to decimal, check this radio button.

I haven't checked mine, so you'll need to check what your limit is set to. If it's 50, then this is your man. If not, then bail.

If the limit is 50, then increase it to 550, and hit OK. (Bear in mind that 550 is not as light on performance as 50).

Come out of the registry, and restart the machine.

A solution with less impact, and which will only affect the field in hand as opposed to the whole application, would be to create a report which just lists the 550 records.

Export the output to a txt file, and then import the txt file into your picklist.

All the best,

Oops...I didn't finish the regedit path.

The path should read...

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\DatabaseServer\MaxNBrowseValues

I'm going to look at it. I have to look at this on another computer and i don't have the access to this computer for know, but it might be my answer.

I have the same problem (limit of 50 pick list records) when using ASP and the interactive viewer. However, I am running RAS9. The registry key mentioned above:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\DatabaseServer\MaxNBrowseValues

does not exist (DatabaseServer exists, but there are no keys). So I created the key MaxNBrowseRecords, with a value of 0, and (just to be safe) BrowserTimeout, also with a value of 0. I rebooted the system, and then tried it.

No luck, I still only get 50 records in the pick list pulldown. Anyone have any ideas?

Hi there,

This is a known issue with Crystal Decisions and they are tracking it - there should be a fix for it soon.

If this is a known issue with Crystal Reports and they are tracking it, I would like to know the tracking number.

I got a different answer from Crystal Support (quote):

As mentioned, the RAS component is "designed" to only house 50 parameter pick list values.

This is done so by design, not a product limitation. The choice for this is partly to reduce overhead on the RAS service for efficiency, and also for report stability.

RAS does not display the report directly through the viewer, it in fact interprets and processes each page of the report through a reportClientDocument Object. This means that the report pages and pieces are all read and processed by the Object model. 1000 entries would cause a great overhead on simply picklist values on the object let alone on the report pages and data.

As this is done by design, (not a bug) it is not likely our QA team will change this functionality of the product.

With the Professional Edition, as you had mentioned, you do not have the SDK to program or use ADO on the report. This means that the only option would be to separate the parameter into 2 or 3 different parameters that the users would select from. Of course you would have to reword your prompts and adjust your record selection formula to incorporate the 3 possible parameters.

(end quote)
I was having the same problem. I went to the server section in crystal management console, clicked on the ras server. on the database tab there is a batch size which was set at 100. I changed to 1000 and was able to see all 810 items in my pick list. Maybe this will work for you too!

After finding this myself, I went and searched on the crystal web site for batch size on ras server, and found this page. Why I could not find this with numerous searches, I don't know.
If you want to provide your users with an unlimited pick list, you can code SELECT OPTIONS in a standard FORM and use this to to allow a selection ( or multiple selections) to use as the parameter value(s)and you can use Javascript to create the actual parameter variables to pass to the report..If the values are in the database then using asp to create the list is a way to go...
We use this method to allow users to select from as many as 5000 choices..

Is there any way that we can make the pick list dynamic?

if parameter param1 = 1 then
param2 will display some 10 entries in the picklist.

Can we do that in Crystal Reports? How?

Thank you for your help!
In response to Turkbear's comment above, you can only use SELECT OPTIONS in a standard FORM and then pass the parameter variables to the report IF you have Crystal Reports 9 DEVELOPER Edition, with includes the RAS9 SDKs. If you only have the Professional Edition (as I do), you do not get the RAS9 SDKs, so you cannot pass the parameter variables to the report.

On the CrystalDecisions web site, if you go to page
and look at the line labeled "Report viewing SDKs", you will see that it is only available in Developer and Advanced Editions.
Perhaps I was not clear enough in my answer that
I was assuming ( sorry [blush] ) Crystal Enterprise Pro and not just RAS.
With CE you can pass parameters to published reports as part of the 'calling' URL with viewrpt.cwr.

I can post an example using HTML Forms, asp ( csp) and Javascript if interested.


Naith's solution of changing the value of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\DatabaseServer\MaxNBrowseValues with a regedit worked well on my NT box. However, we have new XP boxes and there is no longer " ....Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\DatabaseServer\MaxNBrowseValues" in my path.

I should also state that our Systems Department has locked down XP pretty tight so I may not be looking at the "normal" stuff from a box copy of XP.

Could someone with a standard load of XP (running CR 8.5) tell me if the path "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\DatabaseServer\MaxNBrowseValues" exists?

If not, what is the correct path.

'Failure Is Not An Option'
I have the same problem, here's something I found, on my search for a solution:


The RAS version of Crystal Enterprise comes with an 'out-of-the-box' front end, the ePortfolio lite. One user recently shared an "undocumented feature" of this application with me.

Parameters can have a list of default values. When you load these from the database you will usually get the first 500 values in the list. To get beyond 500 you can tweak your registry. When a report is refreshed from a local client viewer or from within Crystal Reports, the 500 parameter values will all appear in the pick list. But ePortfolio lite will only show the first 50 values at runtime, not the full 500. CD Tech Support confirmed that this is a "fixed limitation", and that there is no way to alter this with ASP code or in the registry. Their suggestion is to create your own interface instead of using ePortfolio lite.

I had to split it into several Alphabetical lists (A-G)(H-N)(O-S)(T-Z)

But there's more and more parameter lists turning up now, and I don't want to have to do this each time. So if anyone has some kind of workaround to have them all in one list, I would be extremely grateful.

Thanks sbdavis for getting me on the right track!
Sorry, but...
How could I pass parameters to my reports with ASP?
With ActiveX I use "AddParameter", but I don't know how to do it with Com Viewers
Any update to this? I have same problem and I am not about to edit my registy and certainly not going to write Java to fix the problem. This is utter BS that they would limit us like this - I am so angry with Crystal Decisions. My reports worked just fine under CE 8.5, now in CE 9, this is my only known problem...very frustrating.

Use the ActiveX viewer - this will fix the problem.
Please provide exact steps to download and use the ActiveX viewer, including where it is stored, how to install it, etc. Specifically, what URL should a new user use to get the ActiveX viewer installed on his local system.
The ActiveX viewer can be obtained by clicking on the "Preferences" link of the logged on user from ePortfolio.

If you are using "Guest" access or Enterprise access, just enable it for each account that has this limitation by clicking on the "Preferences" link at the top of the ePortfolio page. The viewer section is located near the bottom of the page. After you choose the ActiveX viewer, click the 'Apply' link at the very bottom right hand corner. Log out, log on. Click on a report that requires a pick list longer than 50. The ActiveX plug in will fire off and install to the local PC. The ActiveX plug in is a one time install. You can also create a "package" to push this out to all users - this procedure is beyond the scope of this post (i.e., if you don't know how to push this out in package form to all users - find out).

1. Launch Internet Explorer
2. Navigate to ePortfolio
3. Log on to ePortfolio (if necessary)
4. In the upper right-hand corner, click the Preferences link
5. About half way down the Preferences page you'll find the area "View my reports using the ..."
6. Change the default DHTML viewer to the ActiveX
7. Click the Apply link in the lower right-hand corner
8. Log off ePortfolio
9. Log on to ePortfolio
10. Choose a report
11. The ActiveX plug in will install
12. View your report

Personally I like the ActiveX viewer better than the DHTML viewer - it looks more like the regular Crystal Reports parameter interface.
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