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Parameters from ASP to CR with subreports

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Feb 16, 2001

My report has 3 subreports. Each subreport based on sp with one parameter. Main report has one parameter too. All these parameters are the same. I linked subreports' parameters to main report parameter and cr is working perfectly.
But when I am passing the parameter from ASP page, only main report ia opened and none of the subs.

Any ideas?

Thank you very much.
I had something similar happen a year ago (v8.5 & asp) turns out that the report looked MUCH different online than it did in the designer. My report only had two parameters from the ASP page and that was linked to the main report (and the sub reports linked to the main report instead of the input parameters) and it was pushing the sub reports to another page (no idea why - must have been a printer problem with 8.5)

sorry I am not helping with a good solution.
Thank you any way. But I have only one page. All subreports are disappearing, not even any sign of them.

Any ideas? Anyone?

Thank you.
Could you pls show me sample code u did in ASP to run the report. Also kindly adivse what are the tools required to excute the Crystal Report from server side.

In VB, I did the following and client get installed all .dll files required to run the report. How can I achieve the same thing in ASP.
CrpT.ReportFileName = "c:\Report.rpt"

CrpT.Formulas(0) = "Hdg1 ='Heading-1'"
Crpt.SQLQuery = "select *from table where mname = '" & mname &"'"

Crpt.Action = 1

Any of your help shall highly be appreciated.

Many thanks in advance...

I believe this is a bug in Crystal. I have had the same problem - stored procedures seem to be problematical in Crystal. Works perfectly in the designer, but not via ASP.

Their technical support tried to get me to re-link all the fields but it didn't work and in the end I gave up and changed my report so that it brought back all the data in one stored procedure! Naff but works.
Hi Julia,

I would be able to help u out if u could paste the ASP code.

Rgds - Ahmed
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