I have written a report in CRXI that uses a numeric parameter field named {?Priority}. The {?Priority} field is used for record selection and can be either a discreet value, multiple values, or a range. I want to add the actual values chosen as part of the page header. I have tried using the For Loop below to add this info to the page header, but get the error listed below. Any help would be appreciated. The for loop I am using is:
NumberVar Counter;
StringVar Message := "Priorities Chosen: ";
// cycle through all members of the multivalue
For Counter := 1 to Count({?Priority}) Step 1 Do
// build the Message varable, along with coma/space
Message := Message & {?Priority}[Counter] + ", "
// strip off last comma/space added to the loop
Left(Message, Length(Message) - 2)
When I try to save, I get an error in the following line:
Message := Message & {?Priority}[Counter] + ", "
The error highlights {?Priority}[Counter] and states "A number, currency amount, date, time, date-time, or string is required here."
NumberVar Counter;
StringVar Message := "Priorities Chosen: ";
// cycle through all members of the multivalue
For Counter := 1 to Count({?Priority}) Step 1 Do
// build the Message varable, along with coma/space
Message := Message & {?Priority}[Counter] + ", "
// strip off last comma/space added to the loop
Left(Message, Length(Message) - 2)
When I try to save, I get an error in the following line:
Message := Message & {?Priority}[Counter] + ", "
The error highlights {?Priority}[Counter] and states "A number, currency amount, date, time, date-time, or string is required here."