Crystal 8.5, SQL,
I have 2 parameters. I need to be able to do the following.
If the paramter comes up, I need to be able to due the following:
1. select either one departement, several or All department or
2. the select parameter to select everyone in a certain company.
I can do one are the other but not both. Once I all my paramteter to select only a certain company, I get everyone from all companies not just the one I need.
This is what is in my select expert:
{?p1} = {field1}
(if {?p2} <> "" then(
if {field2} <> "" then
instr(UpperCase({?p2}), UpperCase({field2})) > 0)
true )
I have 2 parameters. I need to be able to do the following.
If the paramter comes up, I need to be able to due the following:
1. select either one departement, several or All department or
2. the select parameter to select everyone in a certain company.
I can do one are the other but not both. Once I all my paramteter to select only a certain company, I get everyone from all companies not just the one I need.
This is what is in my select expert:
{?p1} = {field1}
(if {?p2} <> "" then(
if {field2} <> "" then
instr(UpperCase({?p2}), UpperCase({field2})) > 0)
true )