Sorry, I want to get access to Paradox tables (ver. 8.0) from external system. My system does not support ODBC, so the only way may be OLE Automation or OCX. I have found a component PdoxAuto 8.0, but I do not know how to use it.
Read its Help system; the OLEAuto stuff is in there.
If you don't have Paradox the Application installed, and are looking solely at pdoxAuto, then you should locate a site/forum where there are people who can help.
Lastly, you might consider purchasing a copy of Paradox. eBary has some very inexpensive deals on Paradox. Having the Help system available would likely save you hours of try/fail and guessing.
Thank you everybody for your help. I do not know Paradox but if I uderstood correctly OLEAuto helps you to get access to other systems from Paradox. I want to get access to Paradox from other system. I tried to google but found nothing. A friend of mine helped me and I have a OCX that allows me for this. Thank you again.
Vladimir Menkin has PxForms Anywhere on his web site. I believe this uses a web browser to access paradox forms. Have you had any experience with this?
I have used his Excel Library and it is excellent wanted another view on this before I went in and had a play with the sample.
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