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Paradox 10 and Windows XP: BDE "network" error 1

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Technical User
Oct 18, 2001

Paradox 10 part of WordPerfect 2002 "thinks" my standalone Windows XP system has a shared network. At least that is the type of error I see when I try to run Paradox 10.

Here's the error message:
"Could not initial BDE:
You have attempted to open a database that is in use by someone else, but the database cannot be shared. You must set the location for the .NET control file."

Again, I am not interested in "BDE" or in sharing databases. I merely want to run Paradise 10 as a standalone database on a solitary machine.

If anyone is familiar with this problem, please give me DETAILED information on how to correct this problem. I have seen partial references to this problem, but the solution involved an actual shared database situation, which does not apply to me.

I would surmise that the solution involves turning off that portion of the program that relates to shared databases.

I am using Pdox 8 on Win 98 so this might not help --But check the settings under Paradox tools/system/. Then if "local share" is set to "true" change it to "false" This might help . By the way how is Paradox behaving with XP?
Thanks, EvilTwin.

Hey, you gave me a Catch-22 solution. You see? If I could get to the Paradox/Tools/System menu, I probably wouldn't have a problem. From my Desktop when I double-click on the Paradox 10 icon, I receive the message mentioned in my post.

I have found an area in XP's BDE Adminstrator that has something to do with this problem, but I believe that a patch of some sort is required to make the necessary changes. Unless you have access to a Windows XP system, what I am telling you won't make much sense to you. But BDE Administrator has a menu called Configuration/Navigation where Paradox is listed along with several other DB items. When I click on Paradox I get a list of parameters beginning with "NET DIR," which relates to that error message, but I tried a few changes in the path expression there without success. When I found this menu, the path for "NET DIR" was "C:/"(not sure here about the slash(fwd/bckwd??)

Unfortunately, what I think I'm getting in reality is,"Hey, guy this damn Paradox 10 DB software won't run on XP!"

EvilTwin, ask around, if you know anyone who is running Paradox 10 on XP, okay?

BTW, Corel has issued Wordperfect 2002 Service Pack 2(download available). There's a patch there for Paradox 10 along with one for the other programs in the suite. But, alas, it does not help my problem.

Trying to contact Corel directly is like the salmon's journey to its spawning grounds.

What irks me is I have two or three spreadsheet,word processing, etc. pieces of software, but I was relying on Paradox 10 for my DB software.(I do not want to spring for any "store-bought" stuff. . . .If you know of freebie DB software(I DO have Reach Out(freebie from ZDNet.Com)DB software. It's like a Cardex file builder. For what it is, it looks good. Many bells and whistles there. . . .)

Thank, again, for your interest.

I used to try to learn MS Access, but I don't have it here.


Again, here is the error message I get when I attempt to launch Paradox 10 in Windows XP:

" Could not initialize BDE:

"You have attempted to open a database that is in use by someone else, but the database cannot be shared. You must set the location for the .NET control file."

Anyone have any other ideas?


Have you tried this navigate to:-

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\bdeadmin.exe or wherever this program is installed. This is the BDE administration program from Borland.

Once it opens, go to Configuration, System, Init and make sure Local Share and Auto ODBC are False, if not change them. Change any of the other fields to suit.

This should allow Paradox to be run.

I doubt whether it will not run with XP, not that I am changing any day soon to XP! I am continuing to use Paradox though.

Let me know if this helps! Steve Butterworth

I recall a similar problem which was solved by deleting pdoxusrs.net and pdoxusrs.lck

Then close the programme and restart it.

I then went to BDE.exe in the control panel and on DRIVE entered the correct path.

I suggest you keep copies of the above files before you delete them.

Hope this may help.

I just updated tp XP home version, Paradox working superb without hitches. Steve Butterworth

Time is fluid

And, just in case anyone else reads this.


For the love of Uncle Frank, PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS.

I say this with every erg of accountability and reputation I have with Paradox (quite a bit, I hope). For those that don't recognize the handle (or the website), I say this as someone who has worked with Pdox/Win for more than 10 years, originally within the development team and then later as an ObjectPAL/Delphi developer.

Friends don't let other friends diable LOCAL SHARE; that's only asking for trouble and corrupted local tables.

Why do I say this? Quite simply: you are using Windows (or Linux); therefore, you are in a multi-user situation, whether you're connected to a network or not.

Also, Windows tries very hard to cache your writes. Disable optimistic locking, disable lazy writes and delayed-write caching. Unfortunately, it tends to cfuse applications that trust the OS to be telling the truth when it says the data's been updated.

And, if you're reading this...you are connected to a network.

If you are having integrity issues between multiple instances or applications trying to connect to the same tables, it's probably *BECAUSE* local share is disabled.

(I'd put this in <blink> tags, if they were enabled because I personally belive it's that important.)


-- Lance
re: Could not initialize BDE: 10-4 on the solutions.
I have programmed in Paradox since it started, and except for file locking problems, that error occures more frequently than any other! I don't think the problem is XP,cause I have had it with 2000, too. The Registry solutions sound good- I'll try them. But, in the past I either ran BDEADMIN.exe ( probably in Borland\Shared\BDE\), Uninstalled Paradox and reinstalled it, or prayed.
1. DO not disable local share! Footpad is right.
2. Most desktop databases use optimistic locking- a sort of &quot;nothing will go wrong if I lock this table.&quot; Don't believe it for a minute. Disable optimistic locking.
Paradox was probably running before, and a table was left open. So there is still a 'lck' file. Go to the directory where your table is, and delete the '.lck' files.
3. I believe Pdoxusrs.net is generated by Paradox, when you install it. Look in the default drive. Is the file there?
If you still have problems, let me know. I'll dig through the Paradox FAQ's and hundreds of Paradox Technical Information printouts I have, to get you some answers.
Thanx for the advice!
All I had to do was delete 2 .lck files and I was back in business.
This is common when a previous Paradox session crashed. You may find undeleted .LCK files in your working directory, private one, or both.
Paradox failing to start entirely with the &quot;Could not initialize BDE&quot; error message is usually due to .LCK files being left behind in the Private directory. This can occur if the :pRIV: and :WORK: aliases end up pointing to the same location, either due to poor selections at install time, or during use when the user navigates to the private directory and sets it as :WORK:.

To get working again, check your Network directory in the BDE administrator. If you are only running standalone, then set it to a local directory which is different to the private directory name. I always ensure that I have a directory C:\Temp, and for local operation point to that.

Search your local hard disc for any files named Paradox.lck and Pdoxusrs.lck. If ther are no BDE applications running, it generally safe to delete these files. In particular, ensure that any .lck files in the private directory are deleted.

If you cannot remember where the private directory is located, run regedit. For Paradox version 10, check the key


Another tip: Do not use the long path for the private or working directories that are installed by default. Create a local directory like C:\Pdoxwin\Private and point the :pRIV: alias to that. Using path names longer than about 50 characters for either :pRIV: or :WORK: will result in problems with forms and reports. Check elsewhere for a post on this.

Hope this helps.
Good advice.

Glad it helped.

Any one need millions of free Paradox sample programs, let me know.

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