I have a titleblock in paperspace. For the past year I have been using ctrl 1 to bring up the properies menu and adjusting my scale to whatever I have drawn at 1 to 1 in modelspace. This then allows me to print out at 1 to 1 and my drawings are 3/4" = 1", 1/2" = 1", whatever. Well, today I fire up AutoCAD using the same layout template I have used since the beginning of f**cking time and when I use ctrl 1 the drop down menu pops up and it is blank...WTF!?!?! Needless to say I am quite disgruntled at this point. The only way i can scale my drawing now in my titleblock is to bring eveything into my old version of AutoCAD and bring up the properties menus there. This of course is a pain in the neck and costs me time and money. I also have anywhere from 5 to 20 drawing tabs within a typical drawing, all of which need to be scaled differently at times. If anyone has any idea what might be wrong I would appreciate any help on this subject.