I have been working on Illustrator for almost a year now and up to just a few days ago I have not had any problems whatsoever with the fill function on the paintbucket. Now a few days ago, it seems that when I use the pen tool to make personalized letters for web pages, the fill function only fills the outside of the image and not the inside where I need it. I have this half-done web page because of this and am working on a pretty tight schedule. My school is closed for the next three days so I can't ask my instructors....can anyone help? Thanx.
I'm not sure how to post images on this forum, so if you want the image, just post a reply with your e-mail and I'll send you the .ai file...cool
I'm not sure how to post images on this forum, so if you want the image, just post a reply with your e-mail and I'll send you the .ai file...cool