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Paging File Problems

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Jun 27, 2003
Hey All,

I am having trouble logging into one of my systems. What happens is, I boot up the machine and it gives my a login prompt. I login with my username, password, and domain, and it proceeds to login. I then get an error message telling me that my paging file is too small or it does not exist. It gives me the list of instructions to increase my pagin file size, and an option to click ok. I click ok, and the system logs off and puts me back to a login prompt. This is true for every user on the system, including administrator. I have booted to the recovery console and run chkdsk and ran a repair from the windows 2000 boot cd. Any ideas?

It sounds like the pagefile size is set lower than the amount of memory you have in the system. The recommended minimum size allocated to the pagefile is 150% that of system memory. So if you had 128MB system memory you would set the pagefile size to 192MB.

Have you recently upgraded the memory in the machine? It may be worth lowering the memory in the machine then boot into the OS and increase the size of the pagefile. Check the free space on the hard drive too. Have you tried booting into Safe Mode?

Hope this helps.
This happened to me a while back and what worked was to logon in Safe Mode and set the page file settings (initial and max.) to the same. Rule of thumb, about 3 times the amount of on-board mem.

The problem was fixed when I rebooted.

Hope it helps.
Thanks for the reply guys,

It does the exact same thing when booting into safe mode. This is such a pain, since I know where to go to change the settings, but I can't get the thing logged in. Any other ideas?

did this happen after having added any hard drives or zip drives to your system to push/pull data, then shutting down the system to remove that drive?

DViper, sorry i did not reply to you sooner -- microsoft documents the fix for this. if you're still having troubl, please reply, i'll post what i can find asap.


I'm having this problem right now and can't find the fix for it. Windows 2000 Pro is telling me that there is eithe rno pagefile or it's too small. Thishappened after I added a second hard drive (a Win98 hard drive) as a slave on the original hard drive's controller.

At first I was able to see the additional drive, no problems. But after rebooting, it brings me up to the logon screen and I log on, and it says "Loading you personal settings" and about 2 second later it says "Saving your personal settings" and it brings me right back to the logon screen.

I'm trying repairs but that's not working either so far. During one attempt at repairing using the Windows 2000 Pro CD, it said it couldn't even find an installation of Windows to repair. I don't have an ERD for this computer but I do have the 4 Windows 2000 boot floppies and the Windows 2000 CD that was used to install Windows onto this PC.

Any links or information are gold to me right now. Thanks a bunch everyone.
Just had same problem after using Ghost to copy hd to another. Restarting with original hd caused no paging file error.

Booted to DOS and ran Fdisk / mbr, which cured it instantly.

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