I open a recordset using the command object. I can assign a pagesize to it but not retrieve the pagesize (always returns 0). I use the command object to open my stored procedure because in that way I can name my parameters. However I can not assign how the recordset needs to be opened and therefore I use objCmd.Properties("Bookmarkable" = True to allow bookmarks.
So I have two possible solutions:
1. is it possible to open a recordset using the connection object and naming the parameters (so not just entering them in the right order)
2. is it possible to open the recordset using the commandobject and specifiing that paging should be possible?
Here's how I open my recordset currently:
Set objCmd = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Command" )
Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
objCmd.CommandTimeout = 300
With objCmd
.commandText = "stp_Forum_Thread_List"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.parameters("@CategoryID" = lngCategoryID
.parameters("@ClientID" = Session("sesClientID"
End With
Set rst = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" )
objCmd.Properties("Bookmarkable" = True
set rst = objCmd.Execute()
I'm quite new in using ASP so any help is really appreciated.
I open a recordset using the command object. I can assign a pagesize to it but not retrieve the pagesize (always returns 0). I use the command object to open my stored procedure because in that way I can name my parameters. However I can not assign how the recordset needs to be opened and therefore I use objCmd.Properties("Bookmarkable" = True to allow bookmarks.
So I have two possible solutions:
1. is it possible to open a recordset using the connection object and naming the parameters (so not just entering them in the right order)
2. is it possible to open the recordset using the commandobject and specifiing that paging should be possible?
Here's how I open my recordset currently:
Set objCmd = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Command" )
Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
objCmd.CommandTimeout = 300
With objCmd
.commandText = "stp_Forum_Thread_List"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.parameters("@CategoryID" = lngCategoryID
.parameters("@ClientID" = Session("sesClientID"
End With
Set rst = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" )
objCmd.Properties("Bookmarkable" = True
set rst = objCmd.Execute()
I'm quite new in using ASP so any help is really appreciated.