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Page / Cache Server connection

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May 14, 2002
What's all this about?

"There are no Page Servers connected to the Cache Server or all connected Page Servers are disabled or all connected Page Servers are not part of the specified server group. Please try to reconnect later. [On Cache/Page Server: server_name.cacheserver]"

The situation here is that I just restarted all the processes. Everything seemed to come up okely-dokely (except the APS, which is okay, because it's on another machine, and was restarted manually.) Now, when I try to view any managed reports in ePortfolio, I get that horsepuckey at the top.

Anyone encountered this before?

Hi Naith,

I'm not sure what I encountered before is same thing as yours but the situations are similar. After I restart the system, I can't go to CMC and ePortfolio at all. That's because my local system account has been modified by network people and web componet server can't logon to the system, even in CCM, web component server looks running fun.
After talked with Crystal tech support, I stop the WCS and deleted it, and add a another WCS in base on localsystem account (which is default), then everything works fun. What I know may not match what you want, but at least give some hint.

Hope it helps !


Even though the services are started, you also need to enable them from the CCM using the Enable/Disable icon. They can only communicate with the APS once enabled.

That's if the services are running on Windows. I have a Solaris based install. Only the APS is on NT.

I think what it comes down to is port numbers and inadequate shared memory. The default setting for ports is 6400 - which is registered on all the configuration files as - hold your breath - 'default'. This is okay if you only have one port in use on the box. But, even though I've not opened any others, it seems that specifying the port number instead of using default is the way to go, otherwise the frame buffers don't come up. (ps -ef | grep xvfb brings up nothing...). Clean up the shared memory, and it seems to be okay.

Thanks for your taking the time to look into my thread anyway,


I have a very similar problem that you're experiencing which has only started happening in the last few days. we get the exact same error message as you:

The error message returned is:

There are no Page Servers connected to the Cache Server or all the connected Page Servers are disabled. Please try to reconnect later. [On Page Server: server_name.cacheserver]

We are running CE on W2K and the only way we can restart all services is by restarting the whole machine. The main problem lies with the PageServer service, it will not stop when we attempt to stop it. It continually hangs and we cannot kill the process in the Task Manager either (access is denied).

I have applied the ce80servwin_en patch as suggested on another post with the same problem, however to no avail.

Any help on this would be appreciated as it's begging to drive us all mad!! :)

Thanks in advance

Ben Simpson
Your problem lies with the fact that the pageserver isn't communicating with the rest of the application anymore.

If you switch logons to a system administrator, you should be able to kill the process - but if you're still getting problems with this, then it looks like a clean boot is where you're headed.

I did some research into the problem on my own environment, trying to replicate the problem with my original port number references. Although my set up is 85% Solaris and 15% NT, I was able to get what you're experiencing when the pageserver adopted a zombie like status - refusing to talk to the APS, and the APS database not updating. The regular CE stop scripts didn't affect the pageserver at all, only manually killing the server as an admin had any affect.

Restarting the box didn't fix the problem, and I eventually had to uninstall and reinstall the servers. After recreating aliases to the reporting database server, CE was good to go.

If you can, try and reboot your server at your earliest convenience, and let us know how you get on.

All the best,

Thanks for your quick response Naith. I will try and get all users of at lunchtime so that I can reboot the server.

I'll let you know how I get on when.

Thanks again

Hi Naith,

Intersting one this...

Have rebooted the server and the locked PageServer has restarted successfully. It was a little strange as the CE Apps did not start first time, I had to go into the MC and start it manually.

Everything appears to be working ok at the minute until it falls over again.. whenever that may be..

Any ideas...?

Many thanks

Are your CE Apps in your StartUp group? Also, even if they do start up, you still want to check that they've been enabled.

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