VB6 app using the VFPOLEDB Driver to work with free tables (.DBF files). Three such tables, each opened on its own Connection when the app is run and remain open. The following code works on one of the Connections:
In this case the name of the file is GHM_V70.DBF. However, when I use the following code on a file named GHM_V70.HST (a DBF file whose name with the .HST extension is used in the DataSource for its Connection) an error occurs.
The error is "Cannot Open File...." The error message include both the Path and the name of the file.
What could be causing this situation?
conn1.Execute ("USE IN SELECT([GHM_V70])")
conn1.Execute ("PACK GHM_V70")
conn3.Execute ("USE IN SELECT([GHM_V70.HST])")
conn3.Execute ("SET EXCLUSIVE ON")
conn3.Execute ("SET DELETED OFF")
conn3.Execute ("PACK GHM_V70.HST")
What could be causing this situation?