Problems: Player One won't stay in the confines of the grid
Player Two won't even show up on the grid
messages don't show up
If you can help me out reply please
DB 32 DUP("STACK..."
grid db 0e0h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 20h,07h,0ffh,0f0h, 00h, 3ch, 00h, 01h, 00h,3ch
grid1 db 07h, 00h, 7fh, 0ffh,0e0h,05h,80h,40h, 01h, 20h, 04h, 80h, 40h, 01h,20h
grid3 db 0fch, 0e0h,40h, 01h, 20h, 04h,20h,4fh, 0ffh,20h, 04h, 20h, 48h, 04h,20h
grid4 db 00h, 3eh, 48h, 04h, 20h, 01h,02h,48h, 04h, 20h, 0ffh,03h, 0f8h,04h,7eh
grid5 db 20h, 02h, 88h, 07h, 0c2h,20h,02h,8fh, 84h, 42h, 3fh, 0feh,80h, 84h,42h
grid6 db 00h, 40h, 80h, 84h, 42h, 00h,40h,80h, 84h, 42h, 00h, 40h, 80h, 84h,42h
grid7 db 00h, 40h, 0bch,87h, 0c2h,3eh,7fh,0a4h,0f0h,02h, 22h, 40h, 0a4h,10h,02h
grid8 db 2ah, 40h, 0a4h,1fh, 02h, 2eh,40h,0fch,09h, 0feh,20h, 40h, 04h, 08h,20h
grid9 db 3fh, 0c0h,04h, 08h, 38h, 00h,00h,07h, 0f8h,08h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 10h,0fh
countfive db 0
msg1 db "Player One $", 52, 10, 0
db "Player Two $", 52, 14, 2
mov ax, 4f02h ;These three statements must be inserted in the program
mov bx, 108h ;in order to directly write to the video buffer
int 10h
call clearscreen
mov di,0
mov bx, 0
t1: mov al, [grid + di]
inc countfive
mov si, 0
t2: shl al, 1
jc co
mov ah, 00000000b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp ov
co: mov ah, 01110111b ; white on white (i.e. white square)
mov es:[bx],ax ; dumps the ax register at offset position bx in video RAM
ov: add bx,2
inc si
cmp si,8
jne t2
; if at the end of processing 5 consecutive bytes from the grid array. then move bx
; to the beginning of the next line on the screen
cmp countfive,5
jne nxt
add bx, 80
mov countfive,0
nxt: inc di
cmp di,135
jne t1
mov bx, 01h
mov ah, 01110111b ; white on white (i.e. white square)
mov es:[bx],ax ; dumps the ax register at offset position bx in video RAM
mov ah,09 ; subfunction 9 output a string
mov dx,offset msg1 ; DX points to (holds the address of) the string
int 21h
;player one movement
mov ah, 01110111b ; Set up display attribute for a colored square
mov bx, 0 ; Sets up bx to point to offset position 0 in video RAM
mov es:[bx], ax
mov dx, 46h
mov ah, 01000111b
mov es:[bx], ax
top: mov ah, 0 ; get a keypress
int 16h
cmp al, 'q' ; If it is a q then game is over
je done
cmp ah, 01010101b ; If it is not a left arrow, check to see if it is right arrow
jne ov1
;----------------------- Keypress is a left arrow
; Before player moves left, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the first column (i.e. it is evenly divisable by 160)
mov ax, bx
mov dl, 160
div dl ; Takes ax and divides it by dl. Remainder in the ah register
cmp ah, 0
cmp dx, 00000000b ; If no remainder after the divide by 160
je top ; Ignore the keypress and get another one
mov ah, 0 ; Writes a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
sub bx,2 ; Writes a colored square to the left one position
mov ah, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top ; Gets another keypress
ov1: cmp ah, 4dh ; If the keypress is not a right arrow
jne ov2 ; Check to see if it is an up arrow
;----------------------- Keypress is a right arrow
; Before player moves right, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the 80th column (i.e. bx+2 is evenly divisable by 160)
mov ax, bx
add ax,2 ; Takes bx and adds 2 to it
mov dl, 160
div dl ; Takes ax and divides it by dl. Remainder in the ah register
cmp ah, 0 ; If no remainder after the divide by 160
je top ; Ignore the keypress and get another one
ov6: mov ah, 0 ; Writes a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
add bx,2 ; Writes a colored square to the right one position
mov ah, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top
ov2: cmp ah, 48h ; If the keypress is not an up arrow, check to see if it is a down arrow
jne ov3
;----------------------- Keypress is an up arrow
; Before player moves up, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the first row (i.e. bx < 160)
cmp bx, 160
jb top ; Notice this is an unsigned jump b/c bx would be considered negative if it had
; any value more than 127 in it
mov ah, 0 ; Writes a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
sub bx,160 ; Writes a colored square down one row
mov ah, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top
ov3: cmp ah, 50h ; If the keypress is not the down arrow, then
jne top ; just ignore the keyypress
;----------------------- keypress is a down arrow
; Before player moves down, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the 30th row (i.e. bx >= 4640)
cmp bx, 4640 ; bx is 4640 or greater if we are somewhere on the 30th line
jae top
mov ah, 0 ; Moves a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
add bx,160 ; Writes a colored square up one row
mov ah, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top
done: ret
;player one movement
mov al, 01111111b ; Set up display attribute for a colored square
mov bx, 4678 ; Sets up bx to point to offset position 0 in video RAM
mov es:[bx], ax
mov dx, 01111111b
mov al, 01000111b
mov es:[bx], ax
top10: mov al, 0 ; get a keypress
int 16h
cmp al, 'q' ; If it is a q then game is over
je done
cmp al, 6ah ; If it is not a left arrow, check to see if it is right arrow
cmp dx, 01110111b
jne ov11
;----------------------- Keypress is a left arrow
; Before player moves left, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the first column (i.e. it is evenly divisable by 160)
mov ax, bx
mov dl, 160
div dl ; Takes ax and divides it by dl. Remainder in the ah register
cmp al, 0
cmp dx, 00000000b ; If no remainder after the divide by 160
je top10 ; Ignore the keypress and get another one
mov ah, 0 ; Writes a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
sub bx,2 ; Writes a colored square to the left one position
mov al, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top10 ; Gets another keypress
ov11: cmp al, 6ch ; If the keypress is not a right arrow
jne ov12 ; Check to see if it is an up arrow
;----------------------- Keypress is a right arrow
; Before player moves right, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the 80th column (i.e. bx+2 is evenly divisable by 160)
mov ax, bx
add ax,2 ; Takes bx and adds 2 to it
mov dl, 160
div dl ; Takes ax and divides it by dl. Remainder in the ah register
cmp al, 0 ; If no remainder after the divide by 160
je top10 ; Ignore the keypress and get another one
ov16: mov al, 0 ; Writes a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
add bx,2 ; Writes a colored square to the right one position
mov al, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top10
ov12: cmp al, 69h ; If the keypress is not an up arrow, check to see if it is a down arrow
jne ov13
;----------------------- Keypress is an up arrow
; Before player moves up, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the first row (i.e. bx < 160)
cmp bx, 160
jb top10 ; Notice this is an unsigned jump b/c bx would be considered negative if it had
; any value more than 127 in it
mov al, 0 ; Writes a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
sub bx,160 ; Writes a colored square down one row
mov al, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top10
ov13: cmp al, 6bh ; If the keypress is not the down arrow, then
jne top10 ; just ignore the keyypress
;----------------------- keypress is a down arrow
; Before player moves down, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the 30th row (i.e. bx >= 4640)
cmp bx, 4640 ; bx is 4640 or greater if we are somewhere on the 30th line
jae top10
mov al, 0 ; Moves a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
add bx,160 ; Writes a colored square up one row
mov al, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top10
main endp
; Description: This procedure clears the screen
; Expects: nothing
; Changes: scrambles the ax, bx, cx registers
; Returns: Nothing
mov ax, 0b800h ;points to beginning
mov es, ax
mov bx, 0 ; Sets bx to point to offset position 0 in video RAM
mov cx, 0 ; Cx will count the number of character written to the screen
mov ah, 07h ; Sets up ax to hold the values for a space
mov al, 20h ; White foreground on a black background, the character is a space
top4: mov es:[bx], ax ; Dumps a value into video RAM
inc bx ; Go to next position in video RAM
inc bx
inc cx
cmp cx, 5400 ; 60 rows x 80 characters in a row 5400 = 60*80
jne top4
;prints out "player one" and "player two"
;expects: nothing
;changes: AL, DX
;returns: nothing
print_string PROC NEAR
PUSH dx ; store registers...
PUSH si ;
MOV dx, [si]
CMP dx, 0
JZ printed
INC si
MOV dx, 0Eh ; teletype function.
JMP next_char
POP si ; re-store registers...
POP dX ;
print_string ENDP
Player Two won't even show up on the grid
messages don't show up
If you can help me out reply please
DB 32 DUP("STACK..."
grid db 0e0h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 20h,07h,0ffh,0f0h, 00h, 3ch, 00h, 01h, 00h,3ch
grid1 db 07h, 00h, 7fh, 0ffh,0e0h,05h,80h,40h, 01h, 20h, 04h, 80h, 40h, 01h,20h
grid3 db 0fch, 0e0h,40h, 01h, 20h, 04h,20h,4fh, 0ffh,20h, 04h, 20h, 48h, 04h,20h
grid4 db 00h, 3eh, 48h, 04h, 20h, 01h,02h,48h, 04h, 20h, 0ffh,03h, 0f8h,04h,7eh
grid5 db 20h, 02h, 88h, 07h, 0c2h,20h,02h,8fh, 84h, 42h, 3fh, 0feh,80h, 84h,42h
grid6 db 00h, 40h, 80h, 84h, 42h, 00h,40h,80h, 84h, 42h, 00h, 40h, 80h, 84h,42h
grid7 db 00h, 40h, 0bch,87h, 0c2h,3eh,7fh,0a4h,0f0h,02h, 22h, 40h, 0a4h,10h,02h
grid8 db 2ah, 40h, 0a4h,1fh, 02h, 2eh,40h,0fch,09h, 0feh,20h, 40h, 04h, 08h,20h
grid9 db 3fh, 0c0h,04h, 08h, 38h, 00h,00h,07h, 0f8h,08h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 10h,0fh
countfive db 0
msg1 db "Player One $", 52, 10, 0
db "Player Two $", 52, 14, 2
mov ax, 4f02h ;These three statements must be inserted in the program
mov bx, 108h ;in order to directly write to the video buffer
int 10h
call clearscreen
mov di,0
mov bx, 0
t1: mov al, [grid + di]
inc countfive
mov si, 0
t2: shl al, 1
jc co
mov ah, 00000000b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp ov
co: mov ah, 01110111b ; white on white (i.e. white square)
mov es:[bx],ax ; dumps the ax register at offset position bx in video RAM
ov: add bx,2
inc si
cmp si,8
jne t2
; if at the end of processing 5 consecutive bytes from the grid array. then move bx
; to the beginning of the next line on the screen
cmp countfive,5
jne nxt
add bx, 80
mov countfive,0
nxt: inc di
cmp di,135
jne t1
mov bx, 01h
mov ah, 01110111b ; white on white (i.e. white square)
mov es:[bx],ax ; dumps the ax register at offset position bx in video RAM
mov ah,09 ; subfunction 9 output a string
mov dx,offset msg1 ; DX points to (holds the address of) the string
int 21h
;player one movement
mov ah, 01110111b ; Set up display attribute for a colored square
mov bx, 0 ; Sets up bx to point to offset position 0 in video RAM
mov es:[bx], ax
mov dx, 46h
mov ah, 01000111b
mov es:[bx], ax
top: mov ah, 0 ; get a keypress
int 16h
cmp al, 'q' ; If it is a q then game is over
je done
cmp ah, 01010101b ; If it is not a left arrow, check to see if it is right arrow
jne ov1
;----------------------- Keypress is a left arrow
; Before player moves left, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the first column (i.e. it is evenly divisable by 160)
mov ax, bx
mov dl, 160
div dl ; Takes ax and divides it by dl. Remainder in the ah register
cmp ah, 0
cmp dx, 00000000b ; If no remainder after the divide by 160
je top ; Ignore the keypress and get another one
mov ah, 0 ; Writes a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
sub bx,2 ; Writes a colored square to the left one position
mov ah, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top ; Gets another keypress
ov1: cmp ah, 4dh ; If the keypress is not a right arrow
jne ov2 ; Check to see if it is an up arrow
;----------------------- Keypress is a right arrow
; Before player moves right, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the 80th column (i.e. bx+2 is evenly divisable by 160)
mov ax, bx
add ax,2 ; Takes bx and adds 2 to it
mov dl, 160
div dl ; Takes ax and divides it by dl. Remainder in the ah register
cmp ah, 0 ; If no remainder after the divide by 160
je top ; Ignore the keypress and get another one
ov6: mov ah, 0 ; Writes a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
add bx,2 ; Writes a colored square to the right one position
mov ah, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top
ov2: cmp ah, 48h ; If the keypress is not an up arrow, check to see if it is a down arrow
jne ov3
;----------------------- Keypress is an up arrow
; Before player moves up, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the first row (i.e. bx < 160)
cmp bx, 160
jb top ; Notice this is an unsigned jump b/c bx would be considered negative if it had
; any value more than 127 in it
mov ah, 0 ; Writes a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
sub bx,160 ; Writes a colored square down one row
mov ah, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top
ov3: cmp ah, 50h ; If the keypress is not the down arrow, then
jne top ; just ignore the keyypress
;----------------------- keypress is a down arrow
; Before player moves down, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the 30th row (i.e. bx >= 4640)
cmp bx, 4640 ; bx is 4640 or greater if we are somewhere on the 30th line
jae top
mov ah, 0 ; Moves a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
add bx,160 ; Writes a colored square up one row
mov ah, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top
done: ret
;player one movement
mov al, 01111111b ; Set up display attribute for a colored square
mov bx, 4678 ; Sets up bx to point to offset position 0 in video RAM
mov es:[bx], ax
mov dx, 01111111b
mov al, 01000111b
mov es:[bx], ax
top10: mov al, 0 ; get a keypress
int 16h
cmp al, 'q' ; If it is a q then game is over
je done
cmp al, 6ah ; If it is not a left arrow, check to see if it is right arrow
cmp dx, 01110111b
jne ov11
;----------------------- Keypress is a left arrow
; Before player moves left, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the first column (i.e. it is evenly divisable by 160)
mov ax, bx
mov dl, 160
div dl ; Takes ax and divides it by dl. Remainder in the ah register
cmp al, 0
cmp dx, 00000000b ; If no remainder after the divide by 160
je top10 ; Ignore the keypress and get another one
mov ah, 0 ; Writes a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
sub bx,2 ; Writes a colored square to the left one position
mov al, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top10 ; Gets another keypress
ov11: cmp al, 6ch ; If the keypress is not a right arrow
jne ov12 ; Check to see if it is an up arrow
;----------------------- Keypress is a right arrow
; Before player moves right, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the 80th column (i.e. bx+2 is evenly divisable by 160)
mov ax, bx
add ax,2 ; Takes bx and adds 2 to it
mov dl, 160
div dl ; Takes ax and divides it by dl. Remainder in the ah register
cmp al, 0 ; If no remainder after the divide by 160
je top10 ; Ignore the keypress and get another one
ov16: mov al, 0 ; Writes a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
add bx,2 ; Writes a colored square to the right one position
mov al, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top10
ov12: cmp al, 69h ; If the keypress is not an up arrow, check to see if it is a down arrow
jne ov13
;----------------------- Keypress is an up arrow
; Before player moves up, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the first row (i.e. bx < 160)
cmp bx, 160
jb top10 ; Notice this is an unsigned jump b/c bx would be considered negative if it had
; any value more than 127 in it
mov al, 0 ; Writes a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
sub bx,160 ; Writes a colored square down one row
mov al, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top10
ov13: cmp al, 6bh ; If the keypress is not the down arrow, then
jne top10 ; just ignore the keyypress
;----------------------- keypress is a down arrow
; Before player moves down, make sure the offset postition in bx does not point to
; any character in the 30th row (i.e. bx >= 4640)
cmp bx, 4640 ; bx is 4640 or greater if we are somewhere on the 30th line
jae top10
mov al, 0 ; Moves a black square at player position
mov es:[bx], ax
add bx,160 ; Writes a colored square up one row
mov al, 01010101b
mov es:[bx],ax
jmp top10
main endp
; Description: This procedure clears the screen
; Expects: nothing
; Changes: scrambles the ax, bx, cx registers
; Returns: Nothing
mov ax, 0b800h ;points to beginning
mov es, ax
mov bx, 0 ; Sets bx to point to offset position 0 in video RAM
mov cx, 0 ; Cx will count the number of character written to the screen
mov ah, 07h ; Sets up ax to hold the values for a space
mov al, 20h ; White foreground on a black background, the character is a space
top4: mov es:[bx], ax ; Dumps a value into video RAM
inc bx ; Go to next position in video RAM
inc bx
inc cx
cmp cx, 5400 ; 60 rows x 80 characters in a row 5400 = 60*80
jne top4
;prints out "player one" and "player two"
;expects: nothing
;changes: AL, DX
;returns: nothing
print_string PROC NEAR
PUSH dx ; store registers...
PUSH si ;
MOV dx, [si]
CMP dx, 0
JZ printed
INC si
MOV dx, 0Eh ; teletype function.
JMP next_char
POP si ; re-store registers...
POP dX ;
print_string ENDP