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OWA Access!

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Dec 18, 2001
I am trying to connect to my exchange server through Outlook Web Access over the internet. Do i need to open any ports on my firewall besides port 80? Thanks.
IIS is up and running, and i can connect to OWA on my local LAN but over the internet i cannot connect..i know for sure that port 80 is open. I cant even connect if i use the IP address assigned to the exchange server.
if you can telnet your exchange server to port 80 from the internet then ensure that the primary DNS setting on the outside PC your connecting from is the ip address of your local domains dns server
what about all the other tools? Can you ping your exchange server? nslookup? etc?
I had this problem 6 months ago and my exchange server IP was different than what was coming up on an nslookup after we had reconfigured some of our servers. Definitely sounds like a dns issue.
And yes, you will be able to see the OWA locally because it doesn't have to go out and come back through any firewalls etc.
I'm not sure how it could be a DNS issue if he's unable to connect using the external IP address of the Exchange server. Sounds more like a firewall issue to me.

swoodsmcse: how'd it turn out, if you've fixed it?

Did you try connecting like this already... ?

Is the public IP address translated or NAT'ed on the firewall to the Exchange servers private IP?

If you want to tell me the FQDN and IP address I can test it for you.

I still havent figured it out, i am getting so frustrated, i can ping the server by name or ip address but still cant connect. HELP!
Did you try what I said? As I was saying if you can't get to then OWA will not work. So if it doesn't work IIS is not getting out to the internet so port 80 is blocked. You could test this with host files even so that your could verify this internally first. Dan
Microsoft Exchange Support @ Microsoft
Dan, i did try what you said with no success, port 80 being being blocked doesnt make sense to me because i have a webserver that i can access fine over the internet.
thats what i dont understand, the defaullt website cant be trashed because i can access it on my LAN, and port 80 is open on my router because i can access my web server fine.???
Did you do a port scan on your network from the internet? Is it possible that this website you say you can access is using a different port?

Try the port scan. I would suggest nmap from a Linux box if you have one available.

Is your website and your exchange server on the same computer???
Exchange is a web server because it has IIS and thus the name Outlook WEB Access. This is my last post as your not trying what I suggest. Dan
Microsoft Exchange Support @ Microsoft
Yeah, but he never said that his website and his Exchange box were on the same server? I don't know how his firewall is set up, but maybe he only opens up ports on a per-IP address basis. He could be accessing a website through port 80 on an IP that allows it on his firewall. If he installed a new exchange box and forgot to open port 80 on the new IP, that could be the problem. Unless he allows port 80 through on all incoming traffic on the firewall, but we don't know this.

IIS installs with a default website. That website includes help.gif. If you've loaded a different website on the Exchange server, then help.gif may not be there anymore.

swoodsmcse: Is your webserver the same box as your Exchange server? If the answer is no, then it doesn't matter if you can access your webserver from the internet, you need to look at your firewall and set up a port-80 path to your Exchange server.

What kind of firewall is it? And generally, the more detailed troubleshooting info you post, the more folks here are able to help you....
My exchange server and my web server are 2 different computers. I have a Cisco router running NAT and i have assigned a static mapping of my exchange servers public IP to the private IP i have assigned it. I have configured the router to let port 80 forward information to the private IP of the exchange. I am able to ping it over the internet, but when i do NSLOOKUP it comes back with the name COXFIBER.net which is my ISP, so i am not sure if this is affecting it. I can access help.gif and all OWA components on my LAN therefore it has to be something at my router or my ISPs router, i have called my isp to make sure they have opened the correct ports which they have done. Still no Success??
If you give me your IP address I'll run a port scan on it to see what ports are open.
And in addition, your Exchange server is receiving SMTP email via the same IP address, right? Based on everything you've said, it's not Exchange/OWA (since you can get OWA at your LAN), it's not IIS (since you can see help.gif at your LAN), it's not DNS (since you can ping via domain name from the internet), it's not the ISP blocking all your webservice traffic (since your webserver is accessible), and it's not routing (since you can get SMTP traffic at your Exchange server). It sounds like the firewall is not configured to let port 80 pass through to the Exchange IP address properly. Is the Cisco router managed by someone other than you, or can you get local help on it?
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