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override default breaks in <ul>? 1

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Mar 23, 1999
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does anybody know a way to override the default line breaks in a list? i have tried the <nobr></nobr> tags with no luck. we are using css and i have not been able to override the breaks there either. can anyone help?
Exactly what "default" line breaks are you talking about could you give me an example of what you mean (ie. your URL of your test page)? I think I'll probably bwe able to help if I have the problem right in front of me so I can properly acess it.<br>
the page is internal... the code is like this<br>
&lt;li&gt;i have a brown dog<br>
&lt;li&gt;with a big nose<br>
&lt;li&gt;and lots of fur<br>
and it renders: *i have a brown dog<br>
*with a big nose<br>
*and lots of fur<br>
but i would like it to render like:<br>
i have a brown dog*with a big nose*and lots of fur<br>
does this help?
&lt;li&gt;i have a brown dog&lt;/li&gt;<br>
&lt;li&gt;with a big nose&lt;/li&gt;<br>
etc. etc.<br>
I believe you forgot the closing tags for line-in<br>
Try this and I hope it helps.<br>
Have you tried just using a superscript period "." in a larger, bold font using css to make your bullets instead of using the &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt; tags?<br>
&lt;p&gt;&lt;div style="text-size:30pt; text-weight:bold; text-align:superscript;"&gt; . &lt;/div&gt;I have a brown dog &lt;div style="text-size:30pt; text-weight:bold; text-align:superscript;"&gt; . &lt;/div&gt;with a big nose......<br>
I don't remember the correct css term for superscript; but if you can come up with that term to insert, I think that example SHOULD work; please let me know.<br>
One other suggestion:<br>
Have you considered just using at symbols "@" instead of bullets? I have seen this used before with an interesting effect.<br>
@I have a brown dog @ with a big nose @.....<br>
I hope I have helped in some way.<br>
thank you both for your suggestions... I was using &lt;/li&gt;, so that was not an issue... the "@" was a good idea, but these &lt;li&gt;'s are also &lt;a href&gt;'s with JavaScript rollovers. I am learning JavaScript, but am not writing the companion code that is giving me such a runaround... the "&lt;div style="text-size:30pt; text-weight:bold; text-align:superscript;"&gt; " idea is a good one, and I thank you. I am worried about messing up the code that I cannot fix, so I guess I'll live with the line breaks.<br>
Can I see the code? I'm a rather experienced JavaScript programmer & I think I could probably help in that area as well. Always glad to lend a hand; make the internet more friendly to us all.<br>
thanks again, rohberc... i am afraid that i cannot show you any of the actual code because this is an internal site and you can imagine what complications could arise, from something even so simple. however, i will email you directly when its sister site goes public.<br>
OK, no problem;<br>
If you'd like to e-mail me more privately, send me a blank message to: robherc@netzero.net & I'll send you a "signed" message so that you can send me encrypted messages; looking forward to seeing the "sister" site.<br>
It seems as though this is slowly resolving itself, however I just had a thought.<br>
What if you used a table with one bullet per cell? This way you could specify just how much space you would want between the cells/lines. This could open up possibilities for graphical bullets that can be used for a mouse_over as well.<br>
Just a thought.<br>
and what if you'd just use an img ??? something like &lt;p&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;some_ball&quot;&gt;I have a brown dog &lt;img src=&quot;some_ball&quot;&gt;with a big nose......<br>it works fine and there's no line break ;) <br>
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