We have a PRI T1 in our phone system, sometimes we have some overflow then we got a regular T1, how do I tell the system to use the regular T1 trunk when the PRI is overflow?
add the trunk group that the new T-1 is in as the second choice in the route-pattern.
Pattern Number: 3 Pattern Name: Long distance
SCCAN? n Secure SIP? n
Grp FRL NPA Pfx Hop Toll No. Inserted DCS/ IXC
No Mrk Lmt List Del Digits QSIG
Dgts Intw
1: 4 3 801 1 n user
2: 3 3 801 1 n user
3: n user
4: n user
5: n user
6: n user
Hello Trav4620, thanks for replying to my question. I have a PRI and then I want to add at T1, my current route pattern for local calls is as folow.
change route-pattern 2 Page 1 of 3
Pattern Number: 2 Pattern Name: Local
SCCAN? n Secure SIP? n
Grp FRL NPA Pfx Hop Toll No. Inserted DCS/ IXC
No Mrk Lmt List Del Digits QSIG
Dgts Intw
1: 33 2 320 0 n user
2: 33 2 9 n user
3: n user
4: n user
5: n user
6: n user
BCC VALUE TSC CA-TSC ITC BCIE Service/Feature PARM No. Numbering LAR
0 1 2 M 4 W Request Dgts Format
1: y y y y y n n rest locl-pub none
2: y y y y y n n bothept none
3: y y y y y n n rest none
4: y y y y y n n rest none
5: y y y y y n n rest none
6: y y y y y n n rest none
I tested the T1 just removing my current trunk for the PRI in the route-pattern. My current PRI is configured in trunk 33 and the T1 in trunk 31. after removing the trunk 33 and placing the trunk 31 instead.. it didn't work, I know the T1 is fine because it was working in another pbx system with no problem, I am migrating that T1. I am wondering, do I have to do something in the configuration in the area for dgts format subaddress, I see for the current configuration I have rest / locl-pub and bothpt ... any idea?
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