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Over the Allowed Limit

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May 20, 2005
We have just upgraded to Crystal XI and we are using the console manager.

I am getting an error message when trying to run one of my reports created in Crystal 10 that says "The data being processed is over the allowed limit".

Does anyone know where I go to increase this limit so my report will run?


I believe the problem is related more to ASP and Crystal (I work with lgmin and did the BOE XI install)... First, the report runs fine inside the console manager. We have an ASP page that links to the report. When you click on the link, a parameter selection page comes up. If you select a parameter and submit that page, you get the following error: "webReporting.dll, ASP 0107 (0x80004005)
The data being processed is over the allowed limit." Researching this error indicates it is related to the maximum allowable size for form fields.

When I look at the HTML source for the parameter page, I see that Crystal has created a hidden field called "ContextID." This field contains a string of characters that is over 160 Kb long. Microsoft says that there's an upper limit of 102 Kb. So why does Crystal generate a hidden field that large and how can I control it?

These are different logins, is this the same person responding as the original post?

Anyway, I'm not familiar with the problem you've described, but there are limits to rows being returned, which is what I assumed to be the difficulty.

What method are you using to run the reports..
While the ContextID is a long string ( My largest I can find is @4000 chars, not 160Kb, and for a report with 12 parameters), it does not cause us any problems in InfoView ...

Running CE XI, IIS 5, Win200 Advanced Server


To Paraphrase:"The Help you get is proportional to the Help you give.."
Not sure what you mean by "what method...". The ASP page that does the processing ends with:
"Viewer.ProcessHTTPRequest Request, Response, Session". I can provide more of the code if needed. We're running the same platform as Turkbear: BOE XI, IIS 5, W2K server
I mean are you using BOE XI's default method ( InfoView) or have you written custom asp code to run the published reports?


To Paraphrase:"The Help you get is proportional to the Help you give.."
I believe it's custom code based on the "viewreports.asp" example in the docs. It was originally written under CE 10:

Dim ReportID
Dim Username
Dim Password
Dim Authtype
Dim Viewer
Dim oEnterpriseSessionMgr
Dim ceSession
Dim iStore

Set oEnterpriseSessionMgr = Server.CreateObject("CrystalEnterprise.SessionMgr")
Set ceSession = oEnterpriseSessionMgr.Logon(Username, Password, CMS, Authtype)
Set iStore = ceSession.Service("","InfoStore")
Set session("iStore") = iStore

if request.querystring("ReportID") <> "" then
ReportID = Request.QueryString ("ReportID")
session("ReportID") = ReportID
end if

Dim rptAppFactory
Dim reportDocument

Set rptAppFactory = session("iStore").EnterpriseSession.Service("","PSReportFactory")
Set reportDocument = rptAppFactory.OpenReportSource(CLng(session("ReportID")))

Set Viewer = CreateObject("CrystalReports.CrystalReportInterActiveViewer")
With Viewer
.reportSource = reportDocument
.EnterpriseLogon = session("iStore").EnterpriseSession
.hasCrystalLogo = false
.hasRefreshButton = true
.HasSearchButton = 0
.isownpage = true
.isownform = true
.PrintMode = 0
End With

Viewer.ProcessHTTPRequest Request, Response, Session
Looks fine..The only difference from the one we use is the call to the viewer..We use a Redirect ( based on issues we had with printing in 10 - Support recommended this work-around ):
Set Viewer = CreateObject("CrystalReports.CrystalReportInteractiveViewer")
Set Session("viewer") = Viewer

and Viewprint.asp is simply:
option explicit
dim Viewer
set Viewer = session("viewer")
'Error handle
on error resume next
Viewer.ProcessHTTPRequest Request, Response, Session

if err.number <> 0 then
  response.write "Failed to view report" & "</BR>"
  response.write "error number: " & err.number & "</BR>"
  response.write "error description: " & err.description
end if

So I am at a loss...Does the Event Viewer on the Server show any errors?


To Paraphrase:"The Help you get is proportional to the Help you give.."
Well, I'll give that a try. I think the error comes from the "Viewer.ProcessHTTPRequest Request, Response, Session" call because the Response (I think) has that extra large ContextID hidden field in it.

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