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Output generation with loop on the fly

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Oct 10, 2005
while ( my @rids = $fac->each_rid ) {
   die "No record found\n" unless @rids;

  foreach my $rid ( @rids ) {

    my $result = $fac->retrieve_blast( $rid );

    if( ref( $result )) {
      my $output   = $result->next_result();
      my $filename = $output->query_name().".out";
      $filename =~ s/.*?\|(\w*).*/$1.out/;
      $fac->save_output( $filename );
      $fac->remove_rid( $rid );
    elsif( $result < 0 ) {
      $fac->remove_rid( $rid );
    else {
      sleep 5;

The output from my $filename = $output->query_name().".out"; generates one big file. I like to break it down to multiple files.


The output always starts with '>' and then a word and then | (pipe).

I want multiple files like:


I tried $filename =~ s/.*?\|(\w*).*/$1.out/;
but not working.

How do you generate multiple files on the fly?

what is your $fac object?


I am not inscrutable. [orientalbow]

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ok, $fac is:

my $fac = Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast->new( -prog       => 'blastp',
 -data       => 'nr'       ,
 -expect     => $evalue    ,
 -readmethod => 'SearchIO' );

my $gb_dbh = Bio::DB::GenBank->new(-format => 'fasta');

my $str = $gb_dbh->get_Seq_by_acc( $accession );

print "submitting BLASTs";

$fac->submit_blast( $str );
print '.';
print "done.\n";
are you using "strict" ? Almost sounds like a scoping problem, but I can't tell by looking at the code you have posted.
Yes, I have it.
#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;

use Bio::Perl;
use Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast;
use Bio::Search::Result::ResultI;
use Bio::Search::Hit::HitI;
use Bio::Search::HSP::HSPI;
use Bio::DB::RandomAccessI;
use Bio::DB::Query::GenBank;
use Bio::DB::GenBank;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::DB::SeqI;
use Bio::Seq::RichSeq;

print "Enter Accession Number:  ";
my $accession = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
print "Enter e-value:  ";
my $evalue = <STDIN>;

with #use strict; I am getting the one big file still.
So, I guess use strict; shouldn't be an issue here.

My guess is the line
$fac->save_output( $filename );
is where your 'problem' is. It would appear that method is designed to output all the results to one file.

There are a couple options: 1)Parse the output file and split it into all the additional files you're looking for. 2) See if there is another method that will return the data or a reference to the data/data structure. You could then parse that and output the results any way you want without the temporary file.
How about something like:
open INPUT, "<temp_output.txt" or die;

FILENAME: while (<INPUT>) {
    if ($_ =~ /^>\w+\|(.+)\..*\|/) {
        open OUTPUT, "> $1.out" or die "Could not open $1.out\n$!";
        do {
            print OUTPUT $_;
            $_ = <INPUT>;
        } until (eof INPUT || $_ =~ /^>\w+\|.+\..*\|/);
        print OUTPUT $_ if eof INPUT;
        close OUTPUT;
        redo FILENAME;

close INPUT;
I opt to use the existing modules rather than reinventing wheels.

print "writing results";

our $filename;

while ( my @rids = $fac->each_rid ) {
   die "No record found\n" unless @rids;

  foreach my $rid ( @rids ) {

    my $result = $fac->retrieve_blast( $rid );

    if( ref( $result )) {
      my $output   = $result->next_result();
      $filename = $output->query_name().".out";
      $fac->save_output( $filename );
      $fac->remove_rid( $rid );

	my( $out ) = shift;
	my $in_seqio  = Bio::SeqIO->new( -file => $filename , -format => 'genbank' );
	my $out_seqio = Bio::SeqIO->new( -file => ">$out" , -format => 'fasta' );
	while( my $seq = $in_seqio->next_seq() ) {
	   $out_seqio->write_seq( $seq );

    elsif( $result < 0 ) {
      $fac->remove_rid( $rid );
    else {
      sleep 5;

I have tried this and am getting:

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./blast.pl line 61.

------------- EXCEPTION -------------
MSG: Could not open >: No such file or directory
STACK Bio::Root::IO::_initialize_io /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/Bio/Root/IO.pm:313
STACK Bio::SeqIO::_initialize /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/Bio/SeqIO.pm:451
STACK Bio::SeqIO::fasta::_initialize /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/Bio/SeqIO/fasta.pm:83
STACK Bio::SeqIO::new /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/Bio/SeqIO.pm:354
STACK Bio::SeqIO::new /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/Bio/SeqIO.pm:380
STACK toplevel ./blast.pl:61

print "writing results";

our $filename;

while ( my @rids = $fac->each_rid ) {
   die "No record found\n" unless @rids;

  foreach my $rid ( @rids ) {

    my $result = $fac->retrieve_blast( $rid );

    if( ref( $result )) {
      my $output   = $result->next_result();
      $filename = $output->query_name().".out";
      $fac->save_output( $filename );
      $fac->remove_rid( $rid );

    elsif( $result < 0 ) {
      $fac->remove_rid( $rid );
    else {
      sleep 5;

	my( $out ) = shift;
	my $in_seqio  = Bio::SeqIO->new( -file => $filename , -format => 'genbank' );
	my $out_seqio = Bio::SeqIO->new( -file => ">$out" , -format => 'fasta' );
	while( my $seq = $in_seqio->next_seq() ) {
	   $out_seqio->write_seq( $seq );

I put the chuck outside of WHILE and am getting the same error.

Any idea why it is returning the error?

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