I put out a "flock" of RTF reports every month, and they go to a specific directory based upon the month. I already have a form included that does lot of "stuff" based on the month.
Is there a way that I can have a macro that references a field on the form in the "Output File" field for outputting the report and append the Object Name?
Currently, I can not automate this process as I always have to manually point the the Output Macro to the correct directory. :
Deb Koplen
koplend@swbell.net (weekends and nights)
A person can stand almost anything except a succession of ordinary days.
Is there a way that I can have a macro that references a field on the form in the "Output File" field for outputting the report and append the Object Name?
Currently, I can not automate this process as I always have to manually point the the Output Macro to the correct directory. :
koplend@swbell.net (weekends and nights)
A person can stand almost anything except a succession of ordinary days.