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Outlook2000 or Outlook Express that is the question

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Nov 27, 2001
My current email provider has just forced me into using one of these two products. The pop and smtp addresses are way too long for netscape mail.

I have multiple accounts set up, and when i set them up in outlook2000 they all enter one email file. (in otherwords my daughter can read my email) I have tried everything with this problem.

Outlook Express, runs 5 different programs in the background when double clicked once, and which is not the problem, but when you close it it crashes the system.

Please help, as i am at my wits end on this one.
I'm pretty sure that Outlook Express will always cause problems if you try to run more than one occurrence. Are your different accounts actually different mailboxes? I use Eudora and set up a different desktop icon for each different account. It works like this:
Download and install Eudora (sponsored mode is free) and set it up for your main account. The desktop icon should be accessing the main folder, say, C:\program files\eudora\eudora.exe
Make sure you are OFF LINE. Create a folder for your 2nd account. Copy the desktop icon and rename it - then go to Properties (right click the icon) and put the folder address at the end of the Target line: c:\program files\eudora\eudora.exe C:\internet\2ndaccount (whatever you've called it). Then open the program and change the settings (Tools, Options) for the mail account that this icon should access. After you've done that you'll find that the mailbox and address book files have been created in your empty folder. It works a treat - and means that you can have 2 or more occurrences of the program running at the same time, or in your case, kept separate. Each one has it's own address book, filters, inboxes, etc.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for the help Gill, it is much appreciated. One question does Eudora support rediculously long PoP addresses. This is the main problem that I am having, if it werent for this problem i could simply use netscape mail. Anyway I will give it a shot.

Long addresses, usernames, passwords should not be a problem with Eudora so long as you get the latest version - 5.1
Interestingly, I recently upgraded my Netscape to 6.2 and I've found a few problems with accessing previously accessible sites (such as my bank AND this site) which is a nuisance. Can't see anything in Netscape Mail which looks like it has changed much. The fields for POP etc do look remarkably short. One thing to remember - when you install a new email program it will normally become the default (ie if you click on a hyperlink in a web browser, the latest email program will open). If you wanted to get back to Netscape mail, you might need to re-install the program.
Good luck, Jill.
Outlook 2000 has a rules wizard where you can creat arule for just about anything you can think of including, If mail comes from xyz goes into this folder or if mail is for xyz goes into this folder it is pretty easy to setup.
Yes breaker24 the Rules will work in Outlook - however reddogii said he had multiple accounts and that he didn't want his daughter to read his emails. Transferring files into different folders doesn't necessarily solve his problem. He hasn't come back with any comments yet, so I'm not sure. The other alternative is to have different email programs completely for each different account - ie set up Pegasus or Calypso or something else for his daughter. This is assuming that he actually does have different accounts and not just aliases feeding off one account. I have set up some different accounts for myself to collect some of my junk mail - I then only need to open that program once a week (if I'm in the mood) to download all that mail and it doesn't interfere with my main mail account. In Outlook (correct me if I'm wrong) I would need to set up a different profile and log off and on to achieve the same result.
The latest version of Outlook Express has 'identities' which might be usefull.

Set up a new identity, then select the isp settings for this identity. You can switch between them while still connected.

A password for the mailbox should solve the security question.
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