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Outlook XP frequently crashes under Windows XP

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Dec 20, 2001
Outlook XP frequently crashes under Windows XP

I cannot say much more to describe the problem. I have done the following. I have uninstalled Office XP, reinstalled Office XP, and activated Office XP. I had used the "Detect and Repair" option several times with no apparent benefit. I have run the repair option from the CD. Office XP continues to crash frequently.

One of the signs to me that Office XP is about to crash is the application becomes very slow in accessing an e-mail or contact.

Office XP will crash when the only applications loaded are Internet Explorer version 6.0, WordPerfect 10.0, Norton Internet Security 2002, Norton Antivirus 2002 and Windows Messenger. The application will crash sometimes until I have to do a hard reboot. I use Contacts, Notes, e-mail, Calendar and the To-Do list.

I would deeply appreciate any suggestions. I've contacted Gateway Technical Support and they had no suggestions.

No error messages are displayed when Outlook 2002 locks up. It is maddeningly frustrating for Outlook 2002 to lock up so frequently and Office XP/Outlook 2002 never has displayed a error messages. No hints there.

The configuration of my system is rather standard. My Gateway 700 running at 1.8 GHz has an Intel 10/100 NIC integrated on the motherboard. It is connected to a Linksys wireless router using a Belkin 10/100 patch cable. The system has 768 MB of RAM and a 40 GB hard drive. The hard drive has approximately 30 GB of free space.

I did notice that the the CPU use each is shown as 100% almost every time Outlook 2002 locks up.

This afternoon every time I loaded Outlook 2002 and attempted to open e-mail or a contact locked up. I ran the "Detect and Prepared" option from the Help menu as I have done many times previously. This time it fixed the problem even if temporarily. Sometimes it works and sometimes this does not fix the problem. Then I run repair from the CD. Sometimes a hard we boot will fix the problem other times it will not. I kept a table for a while time to determine if it was a software conflict. I did not discern any pattern based upon software configuration. Obviously, I want to find a solution to this anomaly or maybe it several anomalies. I don't know.

I appreciate very much your query. I hope my response has been helpful. I'll be more than happy to answer any additional questions that you might have.

Have you checked your temp file? Have you recieved a corrupt E-mail? I have useres that had a virus in their inbox and had auto preview on. Everytime they went to thier inbox Outlook quit.
Yes, I have checked my temp file. It seems in order.

The e-mails do not appear to be corrupted. They are not corrupted.

I am ruuning Norton Antivirus 2002 wtih autoprotect enababled. Every night I download any new definitions and scan all my files. No viri have been found on this PC.

Thank you,


THe problem still persists.
I am not using Windows XP but I have a suggestion. Try setting the graphics hardware acceleration to none and see if stops the lockups. I would think this would be found in your display settings.

There was a similar issue that occurred with IE4 when it was releasesd and perhaps it's worth a try to see if an old remedy helps in this case. joegz
"Sometimes you just need to find out what it's not first to figure out what it is."
I must say I'm experiencing an almost similar behaviour. The outlook process takes a full 100% of the cpu. What I've seen sofar: If I (re)move all the messages from the in/out/send boxes, exit outlook, run scanpst to fix the ost file, then the next run of outlook seems fine, as soon as a next message comes in or the next syncrhonize with exchange, the ost is corrupt again..... Thinking VERY hard of getting back to outlook 2000....

Jan-Maarten van Dongen

I found a solution. Turn OFF all rules int eh Rules Wizard. Since I did that I have had no problem with Outlook's stability. Now, if only I have no e-mail I will not have to spend time filing.

I've been having the EXACT same problems... Outlook freezing... the preview pane goes blank... most often when clicking on emails with attachment, but also in other cases (reminders, contacts, etc...).

I have WinXP Pro, Office XP Pro, and just recently... had Norton SysWorks 2002 and Internet Security 2002.

I am about 99.9% positive the Norton Software is causing the problem. Did a clean format/reinstall two months ago and purposely left out Norton stuff.... no problems.

Then started missing my Norton a couple weeks ago, so reinstalled it. THAT SAME DAY I started getting the problems. Have persisted atleast once a day (usually much more than that).

So I uninstalled all Norton, did a reinstall/update officeXP... and NO MORE PROBLEMS!!

I've wrote Symantec... they claim they have no idea what is the problem. I'm willing to bet anyone else having these problems likely also has Norton stuff installed. If so, uninstall (and you may have to a clean reinstall of office after), and I would bet the problems desist.

...Which really is bad, b/c I kinda miss my Norton AV and IS.

Anyone who can confirm... or offer tips?... thank!

I found the solution was to turn off the Rules Wizard. I have NAV 2002 and NIS 2002 running alltthe time but only use Norton System Wroks 2002 when I needed to define/so;ve an anomaly.

That's interesting that turning the Rules Wizard off worked for you.... I've never had any Rules set, and thus have never had the rules wizard on, but still had the freezing problems.

Do you have AutoProtect on/off? ScriptBlocking on/off? Incoming/Outgoing Email Scanning on/off? NAV Office plug-in enabled?

p.s What version of NSW do you have? In setup.ini on the CD, I have product version 5.0.0. I'm wondering if there is a later version which works better?
AutoProtect ON
ScriptBlocking ON
Incoming/Outgoing E-mail Scan ON
Norton System Works Currently not installed
2002 is the only version certified for WinXP Pro
Right... 2002 is the "box name", but the actual product version is 5.x.x.x.

You can find the product version in the .INI file on the CD, under product version. In my case, it is

What I would liek to know if there exists, say, a or something like that.
I have been having the exact same problems as all of you above but only on one of my machines. Both machines are running XP and Office XP, Outlook 2002. One In box works the other does not. I am not running any virus protection on either one until I figure out the problem. The one In-box that is not working specifically crashes when I try to access an E-mail with an attachment. Then I get the blank preview screen and an "Outlook not responding" under task mgr. In reviewing details in the error report it reflects Outlook.exe.mdmp and appcompat.txt as the culprits over and over again.
I have the same problem as most people above with Outlook 2002 however I have not installed Norton or any other antivirus program as yet.
Outlook freezes most of the time when I click on an email which has an attachment. It is very frustrating because I never had any problems with Outlook 2000

I downloaded the latest patch from MS, reinstalled outlook, detect and repair..... and on and on and nothing solve it.
I also had this problem in December - after lengthy and very helpful advise from Microsft support we got to the bottom of the problem. I also use Symantec WinFax Pro. This program had written a couple of Templates into Outlook and they had become corrupted. I suggest that you check what templates load with Outlook and see if there are any problems with them.

Hope this helps
I do not use Symantec WinFax. I have turned on two rules in the Rules Wizard and everything seems to be working fine. I have about 70 rules when all the rules are turned ON. I will turn on one at a time until I discover the point at which the freezing begins.

Thanks briansandpiper! I too had been using WinFax Pro 10.02 on my one machine and I was still running the older WinFax on my other (the one where Outlook/w attachments worked). I uninstalled the newer WinFax and have re-installed it without E-mail faxing and I did not load the phonebook add-ins for Outlook and Outlook Express. I now have both machines running Outlook/w attachments successfully and both are running the newer WinFax. I will see how this goes.
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