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Technical User
Jun 18, 2003
Cannot send or recive mail from pop 3 mailbox accts. Works fine with all hotmail accts. Account settings are correct. Have uninstalled and reinstalled OE as well as msie...still doesn't work. Have tried after disabling Norton...and also sygate home network 4.5..still no success. No problem with other 2 pc's on network..Please help.
It might help to provide the error messages that you get.
Did you make sure your ISP uses SSL for e-mail? If not you can screw things up by checking that box in account settings.

Also try setting the timeout as high as it will go -- it sounds like you get a bunch of e-mails, and OE likes to barf if it times out.
wonder if your problem goes like this?.....

i get things like

1.illegal operation by pop3trap

2.The connection to the server has failed. Account: '(soso)', Server: '(soso)', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

my host admin says its because they are facing come technical problems on this one, so i cant say for sure if i'm facing a pc problem yet. ms knowledge base says its prob due to some conflict with norton antivirus. nut i cant resolved even though i shut down my pop3 virus scan & i'm not using norton

appreciate pointers too
response to xhaya

There are no error messages. I make sure that there's mail waiting at earthlink...I send it from another pc..When oulook is retreiving mail..as soon as it is connected to earthlink server..."disconnected" appears...and it's on to the next task...I've disabled norton entirely..still no go. One of the other pc's has norton..no problem. This is a home network running 2 win98SE machines and 1 xp pro. The problem is only with one win98SE unit. All run msie 6.0 and oe 6.Only thing I can think of is perhaps the fact that some time ago propel was installed on the troubled pc (I did not have any pop3 accts then.) Prior to propel that pc was ok on the pop 3's.Propel really messed that pc up..had to get into the registry to finish the uninstall.Anyone know about possible potential problems Propel can create???
This is very frustrating!!!!
Had/have EXACTLY the same problem, tried everything I could think of short of blowing up the computer, and finally succeeded in arriving at a work-around solution, NOT solving the problem (which reared its ugly head again today) by establishing another email account, same name, same password, just called it II, and presto!!!! whenever account I gets into a snit and refuses to accept mail I just switch to the second account & it comes flooding in. Eventually account I decides to accept mail again and generally behave normally for a while (maximum time has been one month before it freaks out again).
Fixes that did not work were re-naming the in-box--must've done it a dozen times, nada--disabling Norton email scanning and scripting did absolutely nothing either. The Symantec website was worse than useless, they just tossed the ball back to Microsoft. I got the most help by copying and pasting the error message into Google, which brought up a lot of interesting possibilities, I tried a bunch of them and suddenly OE account I started receiving messages again.
Unfortunately I have no idea what particular fix helped...
I'm convinced that the Firewall is somehow involved, that some part of an update screws up this OE account (which is the primary one). Every single time the problem has occurred has coincided with an automatic update (there was one today). However not every update has this unfortunate result, which makes me think that only if a specific element is involved or included in the update will there be a problem, but what that might be who knows.
I sure wish someone could enlighten us as to what's going on...

Frothing at the mouth in Ipswich,
i have now found a solution to my problem (as in my post earlier)thats rather similar to LancepsGuerrero's method
posting here for information

i simply re-entered all my email ac settings (not re-create) and changed "localhost" to "pop.xxx.xxx.xx" for incoming server.
all the emails poured in but there were many doubles since any emails on the server would be downloaded.
then i use "synchronize all"
wa lah, problem temporarily solved i think

i share LancepsGuerrero's view that it happens whenever there's some auto or live updates going on. but i also realise it has a higher occurence when u do the following while the outlook express is downloading email
delete, create new, clear deleted items or edit drafts

dont really understand whats happening either

I have a customer who has the same problem, the only work around ive found is to restart their machine, then no problems, untill their computers have been on for about 2 weeks, and the problem starts up again.
Well I'm back again, and I have sort of solved my problem, and I stress SORT OF, because it works 98% of the time. One night when everything had been working fine and the BLOODY ERROR MESSAGE SUDDENLY POPPED UP AGAIN, after an initial frothing at the mouth and a quick walk outdoors to prevent blowing up the computer, I went to the Comcast mail site, deleted the messages one by one until I came to the problem one which was a digest, I put it in a new folder on their site, and BOOM! all the rest of the messages downloaded immediately into my OE inbox. Then, feeling this was too good to be true & having nothing better to do with my time (!) I went into the Comcast user forum, their email forum specifically, and surprise surprise! the main issue was inability to download mail into Outlook or OE since Comcast snarfed up ATTBI. So I checked back at the dates, and was of course totally astonished (note sarcasm here) to find that yes, there was a coincidence, and it was at this time that I started having the little issues with the Norton auto updates as well. Anyway, the nitty gritty is that temporarily I have found a work-around (NOT a cure) for my OE problem, the most aggravating thing is that it isn't the same digest every time (I subscribe to tech mails, orchid mails and to a corgi list, the "problem" mail jumps from one to another for no reason that I can tell, this last week it was a Corgi digest, the previous week it was an Orchid digest, and the weirdest thing of all is that it happens on a Wed. or a Friday, just when Norton does its auto updates). I can't even venture to think what's really the cause. I now do the Intelligent (sic)Updater daily or almost daily, whether it's helped minimize the problem who knows. Has anybody tried shutting down the auto updater & doing the IU daily instead, & has this helped with the OE or O email problem? It is odd, isn't it, that most of the people who have this issue also have NAV and the Norton Firewall? why won't Symantec lend a little more credence to our howls for help? h'mmm.
Hope someone has some idea what could be behind this...
and if any of you are comcast users, check out the OE forums, they're most amusing, quite vitriolic in fact about the 'service' provided by Comcast, including Comcast replies.
I can't tell for sure if I am having the same issue as you all, but I thought I would toss this out there because it is driving me crazy and I hope someone has an answer (Symantec doesn't).

NAV 2003, part of System Works, keeps changing my POP server from what it should be to I'm running XP and using OE.

I have turned off everything having to do with NAV. Nothing seems to keep it from changing. I am hesitant to uninstall SystemWorks, as most of my past experiences trying that have resulted in major OS issues.

I can change the IP number back to my server and everything is fine - As long as I don't need to reboot. Once I reboot it goes back to Even with NAV off.

Here is what I got from Symantec:

Why does Norton AntiVirus change your email settings?
To keep your email program from timing out when scanning your email attachments, NAV creates a virtual proxy server on your hard drive. Email is downloaded to the proxy server instead of directly to your email program. Once it is scanned for viruses and other malicious code, the proxy server sends the messages to the Inbox of your email program. To do this, NAV must modify the settings of your email program with the address of the virtual proxy server:
• NAV 2000 uses the address
• NAV 2001 uses the address pop3.norton.antivirus

I have followed the instructions from this and many other sources. I have spent hours in the registry. Once I reboot, the server has changed.

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