I look after a small network with a POP3 server dialling out to an ISP on an ISDN line, all clients use Outlook 2000,
I am getting a lot of users complaining that their attachments are not reaching their recipients, the message will get through but not the attached file, mostly these are small *.doc or *.xls files, The traffic in the other direction works fine, so the pop3 is working OK, but the SMTP part is not, if anyone out there has any suggestions on where to start troubleshooting this I would be very grateful to hear them
I am getting a lot of users complaining that their attachments are not reaching their recipients, the message will get through but not the attached file, mostly these are small *.doc or *.xls files, The traffic in the other direction works fine, so the pop3 is working OK, but the SMTP part is not, if anyone out there has any suggestions on where to start troubleshooting this I would be very grateful to hear them