I'm trying to setup a Linux box with notifications that would normally be sent to root being forwarded to someone else.
(no errors)
Now, if I have the sendmail daemon running, all is well. Does anyone know how to do this without having the sendmail daemon running?
Thanks for your help!
> echo "This is a test" | sendmail validemailaddress@someotherplace.com
> sendmail -Ac -bm -q -v
Running /var/spool/clientmqueue/hBHMOZvl001782 (sequence 1 of 1)
validemailaddress@someotherplace.com... Connecting to [] via relay...
validemailaddress@someotherplace.com... Deferred: Connection refused by []
Now, if I have the sendmail daemon running, all is well. Does anyone know how to do this without having the sendmail daemon running?
Thanks for your help!