We have two groups on our system. Group #1 gets incoming calls at 555-1234 and group #2 gets incoming calls at 555-5678. All outgoing calls show the caller id as 555-1234. How do we get the calls made by those in group 2 to display 555-5678?
You may have 0 entry configure as 555-1234 now or the CO is sending that # which you will need to stop in order for this to work.
In LD 15 under NET_data create a new entry. say you used 1 because 0 may be already configured .then you will need to change every phone in group 2 to us that Clid entry.
key 0 scr xxxx 1 (1 which is your new clid entry)
then when that set make a call your entry info will be sent.
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