Assuming Embedded PRI, you need to set up 2 forms.
CPN Substitution - Use this form to indicate which substitutions to apply on a link or to program default CPN values if no substitution CPN is indicated.
DID Ranges for CPN Substitution - Use the DID Ranges for CPN Substitution form to associate DID numbers with CPN substitution values.
Occam's Razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution is the right one.
If you have set up as kwb has suggested then it could be that the Service Provider isn't releasing DDI. Ask them.
As for your second question, it's called Alpha Tagging. Look it up in the help files. Basically in the Telephone Directory you put a ~ in the number to mark it for tagging the name.
We are the PSTN as well as the PBX vendor. Ia asked switch engineering and they said call screening is off on the PRI. So I should be able to manipulate the outgoing number. Any ideas.
So as long as Aplha Tagging is enabled and the PSTN is providing the name I should see the name otherwise just the number, nnless I program a name in the Telephone Directory-Correct that associates the number-Correct.
By the way thanks for the quick responses.
not sure about the name part being released by the CO, don;t have dealing with that. The alpha tagging in the 3300 takes the CLI and taggs it with a name in the tel dir which is then displayed on the phone.
I think the 3300 supports name on pri without needing the Alpha Tagging.
As for the CPN issue, you can put a maintenance command in the 3300 to see what the pbx is sending out. If it's sending out the right Calling Number then it's the exchange.
Put in edt trace vdsu namnum PLID (in place of plid, put in the PLID number of the BRI or PRI card. i.e. 6 1 2 1)
Then make a call from a phone you think you;ve set up in CPN substitution and see what it says
The name should display if it is presented to the PBX. This assumes that all COS options for name and number display are enabled and the PSTN delivers it.
Alpha tagging is used for Known numbers presented to the PBX without a name. It allows the PBX to assign a name to a known number.
What protocol are you using NI-1 or NI-2 with varient?
Occam's Razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution is the right one.
I ran that command and it did show the programming was correct, so I asked the switch engineer to check again and it turns out that it was a setting at the CO for both problems I had. Thanks Again.
On another note But CID issue also: I can't seem to find much programming on CID on Analog sets, but what I did find and made the necessary changes and I still can't get CID on analog sets. Any suggestions?
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