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Outgoing Call Bar Off 1

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Systems Engineer
Sep 15, 2017
Hey everyone, I am running into an issue with creating a working short code to enable/disable Outgoing Call Bar

I have a short code that looks like this:
Code: *40
Feature: Outgoing Call Bar On
Telephone Number: N

This code works on the local phone, but I need to be able to do it on another phone so I tried this:
Code: *40*N#
Feature: Outgoing Call Bar On
Telephone Number: N

This still just bars the local phone and not on the extension I entered. I then tried to setup Call Bar Off:
Code: *41
Feature: Outgoing Call Bar Off
Telephone Number: N

But I just get "Call Rejected". Can anyone point out what i am doing wrong or maybe a better way to do this. Really all I want to do is effectively disable the use of a phone until the manager "enables" it for use and then can quickly disable it when done.
Version: IP Office Server Edition 10.1

Not going to work. Perhaps if you explain the intended scenario in full there may be other ways to achieve what you want (time controlled user rights, transfer to dial tone, authorisation codes, etc).

Stuck in a never ending cycle of file copying.
Thanks sizbut.

Essentially I have a few locations that have phones for patients. They (staff) want to control when they (patients) can dial out on these phones (9608's) The times change all the time or I would have used a time profile. With the above, I wanted to set up a button on one of the nurses phones to where she could hit a key and it would bar calling on the patient phone until the button is selected again to enable calling.
Thanks rd, I thought about this but I don't think I can enable/disable this remotely. I would love to tell them to just get up and go do it but i know that they will ask if it can be done from their "station". If this is the only way then so be it but figured I would ask.
Longer explanation can come if needed (sorry, on sofa enjoying not being at work) but in short:

Set the patient users to Outgoing Call Bar on.

Create a user rights with Outgoing Call Bar Off and apply it to the users.

Create a time profile that sets when the above user rights is active for the users but with something silly like only on for a minute (unless you have fixed time that you want them to be able to make calls without the nurse needing to do anything).

On the nurses phone, use a Time Profile button to latch the time profile active (patients can make calls as per the user rights that become active when the time profile is active) and inactive (can't make calls).

A bit more than just one press, nurse will have to pick 'Active' or 'Inactive' from the menu after pressing the button but hopefully that's not too onerous and easy to understand.

Stuck in a never ending cycle of file copying.
Thank you so much sizbut, sorry you are working on your day off ; ). I will give this a try, thanks again.
I must be missing something.

1. Set Outgoing Call Bar ON on user
2. Created user rights - Enable Outgoing Call Bar unchecked - Apply user Rights
3. Created time profile - Manual Override (Timed Operation), set time from 8:00am to 8:01am
4. On my test phone I created the Time Profile button and selected the time profile created above in the drop down.
5. Tested selecting active and inactive and regardless I could call out.

Sure I am missing something here.
I got it working but did spot one wrinkle. It looks like the IP Office only reevaluates time profile related settings once every minute, including even when you're manually overriding the time profile using a Time Profile button.

I setup a user with a working hours user rights with DND on and an out of hours user rights with DND off and a DND button on their phone. The lamp on that DND button lagged the one on my phone's Time Profile button by anything from a couple of seconds to up to 50 seconds.

So unless they can live with that, back to the drawing board [using the DND button in parallel with the call bar setting did mean my patient had indication on their phone for when they could make calls).

I have half an itch to say use Enable/Disable ARS form short codes dialed by Abbreviated Dialing buttons - but it would use two buttons and give the user no feedback for when it was on or off (shame they don't have Enable ARS Form as a button feature).

Stuck in a never ending cycle of file copying.
A User with System Phone rights can turn off the outgoing bar for another user;
Avaya Manual said:
Outgoing Call Bar Off Using a short code with the Outgoing Call Bar Off feature, system phone users can switch off the outgoing call bar status of other users on the system.

I did it once many years ago but can't remember the details and don't have access to kit today to refresh my memory but hopefully that pointer will get you working.

I have just tried your link and tested it using the method described below.

It works for me.
I set a user to out going call barred eg 4003.
then I controlled the barring from another phone 4001..dialing the short code *59*4003*1234#

this removed the barring from 4003 and was able to make a call.

To reactivate barring I dialled short code *58. from user 4003
User 4003 is now barred again..
Yup the info is there but the vital point about making the user System Phone User is not as well highlighted as the other stuff (no screenshot) - that's the key
Can you tell me what this means "making the user System Phone User"? Not sure I know what this is. Thanks
Well I finally got the call bar off code to work. However, turning on call bar from another phone is another matter. I have two short codes and for the test just created a dummy extension with code.

Extension 6657
Login code 121212

Short Code 1:
Outgoing Call Bar on

Short Code 2:
Outgoing Call Bar off

I left the call bar off by default on the phone . If I dial short code 1 from my phone, it just bars my phone and not 6657. Using short code 2 will turn it off on my phone however.
Sorry! I said that the screenshot was missing on the other site but didn'g do one to fill in the gap :-(

This is needed on the user wanting to control the other user's CallBar setting - for more info see the help in Manager when viewing that page and follow the link to the additional info.
Thanks for that update VOIP Numpty..

Star for you and clarifying with an update.

Just realised my test phone had LEVEL 2 Rights..thats probably why it worked without any issue.

I must be doing something wrong. I can only bar and then un-bar myself, not the other extension.

I dial *58*6657*121212# = Bars my phone (ext 3480)
I then dial *59*6657*121212# = Un-bars my phone.
Nothing changes with ext 6657

I'll try level 2 just for grins...
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