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Out of virtual memory error 2

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Technical User
Mar 25, 2003
Hi there !!
Using windows 2000 professional, i keep getting "Windows-Out of virtual memory error".

The error stated something like this...

Your system is low in virtual memory. To ensure windows run properly please increase the size of virtual memory.

I wasn't getting this error earlier.. How can i fix it ?

With thanks !

NO one can drive us crazy unless we give them the key
Ok You need to increase Virtual memory. You need to login as administrator.
Goto to Start --> Control Panel ---> System ---> Advanced then click on Performance options and hit change.

If you have 256mb RAM then your virtual memory should be set to 1.5x that.

I would !st set it to 0 tyen reboot in safe mode and then set it to the sixe you need.

Zaheer Ahmed Iqbal
I.T Systems Support Engineer
Bsc. (Hons).
Hello 1stITman,
Thanks for reply. But it not sorted out my problem.. It add-on another error.. At bootup now i am getting this error.. Limited Virtual Memory
Your system has no paging file or paging file is too small.. and recomend me to do the following steps which eventually the same you suggested but in different way( My computer->properties and rest is comman..)

ANy more idea please !

NO one can drive us crazy unless we give them the key
Did you set the size of the Pagefile?
It needs to approx 1.5 times your physical ram

Zaheer Ahmed Iqbal
I.T Systems Support Engineer
Bsc. (Hons).
Yes i did.. but all vain.. still getting the errors.

NO one can drive us crazy unless we give them the key
Thanks to all of you... but none of the suggestion help me to get rid out of the problem. I went thru all the URL which all of you mentioned.. but none works..

1stITMan, i went as you told me but still seeing.. Total paging file size is 20 MB. Though i putted min and max value recomended by win2k pro in respective positions. But still have the issue..

Bcastner, there is noone who ascess the system apart from me.

What I guess is.. I am putting the wrong Min and Max size of paging file.. So.. here is the bit discription about my machine..

Compaq Deskpro EN
Processsor : PIII 733 MHz
Caches : 32/256 kb
Memory Size : 128MB

Hope this will help you all to give me the true value for Min and Max paging file size.

Any other suggestion is most welcome.


NO one can drive us crazy unless we give them the key
Sqlkid: after you click OK to get past this message are you taken back to the login prompt OR can you access your normal desktop & icons?
Humm..Most of time it prompt me a message of "Rebooting the machine" but there are few instance when i got no message.

Beside this, after certain amount of time I amn't able to work on my machine. The OS keep posting me the same error message and then all things are hanged ! I have no other option except booting..

Thanks forthwall for your suggestion.


NO one can drive us crazy unless we give them the key
sqlkid: try these steps & report back on results pls:

-Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then
double-click System.
Click the Advanced tab, click Performance Options, click
Change, set the "Initial Size" and the "Maximum Size" values for the paging file to 0 (zero), and then restart your computer.
Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click System.
Click the Advanced tab, click Performance Options, click Change, reset the "Initial Size" and the "Maximum Size" values to the recommended values for Windows 2000, and then restart your computer.
Fourthwall: Sorry to say, it seems you not read the earlier message(s). IstITMan allready suggested the same thing which you did..

I am still getting the same error. Virtual Memory low.. Please let me know what would be the right paging file size as per my computer configuration which i allready mentioned in previous reply !

With Thanks !

NO one can drive us crazy unless we give them the key

. there is enough disk space (all drives);
. if a set to zero for all values, reboot, set to System recommended size does not work;
. if SYSTEM and the local Administator accont has full NTFS permissions'


. clean install the OS. This includes removing the partition, and letting the installation re-create it.

I would prior to the clean install:

. Download and use the web site drive utility for the hard disk. It it reports errors, return the drive under warranty.

If there are no permission issues, if there is no disk space issues on any drive, and if any of the earlier recommended steps do not cure the issue, do a clean install, including a removal and recreation of the partition and its format.

Well.. Thats the last solution.. If not getting the right answer then i am biased to opt the solution you recommend..

For your information.. the following URL( suggestion also not works..

Its quite strange how this thing happend all of sudden ?

Can anyone put some light what care should i take to get rid of this error in future ?

Thanks Bcastner ! But can you eloborate which drive utility you were talking in your message ?

With thanks !

NO one can drive us crazy unless we give them the key
Thanks ITMan for the URL. It has very good information about paging file.

Now, to be quite surprise, I am not able to see any pagefile.sys on my machine. I checked winnt folder, system32 folder and even searched for the same using File search option. I aware, its a hidden file but where its hiding???


NO one can drive us crazy unless we give them the key
ITMan:: So much we discussed here about paging file but none of the suggestion get rid of mine problem.

You want me to change the pagefile.sys and to be surprise it's not existing anywhere in my machine.(I aware, its a hidden file ..that clearly meant that i set the option to show hidden files in folder option of windows explorer).

I can't see any other way to sort out this nasty error except bcastner suggestion.

Thanking everyone for their anticipation !!


NO one can drive us crazy unless we give them the key
Hi everyone! Please excuse me if I'm not following a proper protocal, if there is one. This is my first post since I just joined the Tek-Tips a few minutes ago. I'm using Windows XP Pro and Windows 98SE. With my XP Pro, I have been experiencing similar problem regarding "Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file..." in the last few days, actually since 2/2/04. My system shows the hard disk light on all the time, even when I have NO active application running. After the login, I just leave the system alone without clicking anything and just observe what takes place. The disk light would be on almost solid. After a few minutes, sometimes perhaps close to 1/2 hour, the circled X message would popup: Windows - Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low... I have a 3.4GB partition with about 1GB free. I have changed my pagefile size from 360-720MB range to 128-256MB range for each of my 2 partitions on the disk. But eventually the following messge will popup: "Low Disk Space - You are running out of disk space on WINXP-PRO-3.4GB(D:). To free space on this drive by deleting old or unnecessary files, click here..."

I suspect that I have a virus in my system, even though I have McAfee Viruscan 7.1 running all the time. The response to any mouse clicking or keyboard entry is very very slow. When I manage to open up the Task Manager, I see that the EXPLORER.EXE process keeps growing larger and larger in memory space usage, exceeding 170MB (I have a 256MB system), and in the Performance Tab the CPU usage would be 100% most of the time, and the PageFile would keep growing bigger and bigger. And it's practically impossible to start up any application. Whatever it is that is hogging the system, I have not been able to come up with a solution yet. I have not been able to download/update any Viruscan data since this problem started, because it affects my dialup networking also, causing the Viruscan to be unable to connect to its server site.

I am typing this message, using my WIN98SE partition. I have a dual boot setup for WINXP and WIN98SE. Since I created the WINXP partition using the NTFS format, WIN98SE cannot see that partition. But my WIN98SE partition is in FAT32 format. I'm hoping to find a solution to this problem soon. So, if anyone has heard about or have encountered this problem, please share your thoughts and suggestions. And when I come up with a solution, I will be back here to post it.

Thanks for your attention.

Go to the drive that contains the swap file (usually c:\)

right click the drive, left click properties, click security, click the group EVERYONE and in the permissions box below ensure that the "everyone" group has full permissions, other wise you will KEEP getting out of memory errors and will be working with a swap file that is 20MB -bare minimum- in size...


I am not kidding about the above post----Administrator and SYSTEM users BOTH fall UNDER the EVERYONE group!!! As does EVREYONE who successfully logs onto the machine---see what I mean--if the user ahs permission but belongs to the everyone group which does not have permission then the access required to set and access the swap (make it read/write) is denied to EVERYONE...

Already been there and done that it worked for me should for you.


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