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Out of memory...

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Jun 12, 2000
Every now and then when I try to open a database in Access 97 I get an error message "OUT OF MEMORY" and it doesn't open it. What could be causing this? I have to reboot to correct this problem. Is there any other form?
your computer is jsut out of memory.&nbsp;&nbsp;next time it happens, check your systems resources (right-click on My Computer, then Properties, Performance).&nbsp;&nbsp;your computer needs rest every now and again, and unfortunately, rebooting is about the only way to really get your resources back up.&nbsp;&nbsp;you may want to try closing some other programs too, to make more memory available <p>Brian Famous<br><a href=mailto:bfamous@ncdoi.net>bfamous@ncdoi.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
You may be right Famous, after all, the message is pretty obvious, but this only happens in Access; I was running another application at the same time and it didn't seem to hamper the system's performance. I just want to have all bases covered.<br>I'll be monitoring my system to see if I can pinpoint the exact problem. Thanks.
I have had that problem when using a fancy background on a form that is loaded several times, MSDN has an article on it for Access<br>C. Hoole
What operating system are you using? ie. win95, win98, NT? Win95 and Win98 are not as good at managing memory as NT. I had an access program that got &quot;out of memory&quot; errors on win98 but worked fine under NT. I was doing lots of VB coding and Access was retaining all the VB code in memory whether I was editing the code or not. Microsoft tech support walked me through the solution to release the unedited code, but this was with Access 2000.<br><br>I suggest running/editing the program in a different environment, another PC/OS, and see if the problem persists.<br>It may be something specific to your environment, which should help to focus on the problem. The reboot may temporarily fix the problem but apparently there is a memory or access is requiring more memory than should be necessary.<br><br>There is an MS Access form on this site.<br><br>
I have had a similar problem when opening mail in Outlook. If there is a problem with Outlook and it is not shut down properly, it leaves Word.exe running. When Outlook is fired back up and I attempt to open an e-mail, Windows indicates that I am out of memory. Instead of rebooting the system, I just shut down word.exe from Task Manager. You may be having a similar problem with Access. Next time you get this message, close the Access application and check to see if it is still running under Task Manager. This will indicate that, at some point, the Access application did not shut down properly.
That may be the problem Cmmrfrds, i'm running on a Win98 OS Pentium III with 128 Ram, and am coding in Delphi 5; when i'm writing code, most of the time i have other apps running on the background, like MP3 player, Excel, Explorer and of course Deplhi, and when I try to open Access 97 this happens. I don't know if it's the same as with VB6 but it could be. I'll check it out.<br>Thanks.
A clarification on the &quot;out of memory&quot; problem I had. The VB code I was talking about was within Access behind events and in various functions. To check this out, open up some VB code in Access and then on the menu bar, for the window the VB code is in, click on window. The only module that should be listed is the one you are currently in. If there are more open, then try closing all the modules and saving.<br><br>It has been a while so I forgot some of the specific, but when the problem occurred for me I had Win98 with 128meg of ram so the first thing I did was bump up to 256meg of ram, which made absolutely no difference. When I talked to Microsoft they explained that win98 has a finite allocation of ram for the task. So after a certain point, adding more memory doesn't help. It sounds to me like you have sufficient ram to run Access.<br><br>Hope this helps,<br>Jerry<br><br>
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