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OTM 2.2/3.0Billing--> Micorsoft Excel? 1

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Technical User
Mar 5, 2007

I found that I can get a text file of all the billing information. It's a start, but it would take a bit of database-programming.

Does anyone know how to import the billing information into a spreadsheet- or into Access or Sybase?

Thanks much TM warriors...
Ok, here's where I think I can start, but I am getting errors.

Under OTM 2.2 TBS

Go to File--> Export --> Add -->

Under Export Window:

check: Call Data
Costed Call Data
Costed Calls with Employee Info

choose: Microsotf Excel 97/2000
Select a File/Database Location
Under Update Activity: Delete All Rows...
or- Recreate....

When I hit :GO
Error Error during buld append of table t_CDR.

Anyone have suggestions from here?


Ha! I feel like I am talking to myself...

Excel has file size limitations, and I had too much data. I could pop a filter on this, and collect for at least one day- but the data is the same that comes up in the call database and is missing the "magic" that TBS performs.

So, conclusion:
You have to pull the flat files that has all the formatting garbage, send that off to some programmer who can do work to pull it into something usable to pull into company accounting systems.
What I have done is open the file in notepad and then split it in half. Then I open them in excel and do what I need to each file.
The way I do it under TBS is archive to a csv file. I name each file as the month that it covers. Once that's done, you can import the csv into Access. If you open the csv in Excel, then you only get like 65,536 lines.

I did have trouble importing into Access pre 2003.

Any issues with loading Office 2003 onto the OTM Server running Windows2000 with OTM/TM 2.2.

When saving reports specifically the traffic reports I have only NotePad/WordPad nothing else. I am hesitant to load the office suite really if it has the potential of upsetting OTM etc?

Hi SL1M1-

Lot's of other problems, but I have not encountered any probelms with office with 2.2 or 3.0. They "say" 3.1 will fix the 3.0 issues. We shall see-

Cheers, jadexing
NOT TRUE whoever told you that about TM3.1 was lying. TM3.1 still has problems & doesnt tell you the truth when doing dial plan changes in ITG trunks. As for loading office 2003 no problems

Remember if it doesn't work hit it harder

Scott UK
Sigh- I was afraid of that. Would you even bother "upgrading" from 3.0 to 3.1?

What I really want to use the boxes for is to build efficiency into doing MAC work. Anyone feel that they have been successful with that? Do you have any pointers?

Get this...

When you are in OTM there are several options for "printing." Directly to a printer, to the screen, as a text file- but nothing directly into Excel.


If you first print to screen, and then go to File- then there is an option to go to excel. And it has the formatting ties of the calling information to a user rather than the raw database. Don't know why that option isn't available in the reports area.

Now maybe talan1268 is onto something with the archive idea-
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