Currently running OSCC V8 R2.16.218 on HiPath 4000 V6. All agents are using OpenStage 40 HFA (all running V3 R0.40.0 HFA 171020). Once in a while an extension will go out of service and back in a couple of minutes later. This will happen several times over the course of a few hours. If someone is logged into the phone, it will kick them out. If they're on the phone, the connection will stay up, but OSCC "loses" them. The only fix actions I've seen that work are to either: 1) Rebuild the extension completely in the 4K or 2) Restart OSCC. If anyone knows of a real fix for this, that would be super!
Maintain HiPath 4000 V5 & V6, OpenScape Xpert V4, OpenScape Xpressions, OpenScape Contact Center, OpenScape Voice
Maintain HiPath 4000 V5 & V6, OpenScape Xpert V4, OpenScape Xpressions, OpenScape Contact Center, OpenScape Voice