Hi, guys,
I have implemented the least squares using orthogonal multinomials basis. The result is ok in 1D problems, but not good in 2D.
The structure of the codes is:
a module file - orthogonal_multinomials_least_squares.f90
a test main file - test_OMLS_1d.f90 & test_OMLS_2d.f90
Can someone check the codes and find out the problems?
Thanks!![[bigears] [bigears] [bigears]](/data/assets/smilies/bigears.gif)
I have implemented the least squares using orthogonal multinomials basis. The result is ok in 1D problems, but not good in 2D.
The structure of the codes is:
a module file - orthogonal_multinomials_least_squares.f90
a test main file - test_OMLS_1d.f90 & test_OMLS_2d.f90
program main
use orthogonal_multinomials_least_squares
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 10
real, parameter :: dx = 0.1
real :: x(1,n), f(n), f0(n)
integer :: i, j, k
real :: r
do i = 1, n
x(1,i) = i*dx
call random_number(r)
x(1,i) = x(1,i)+r*dx/10.0
end do
! f = exp(-100.0*(x(1,:)-0.5)**2)
f = (x(1,:)-0.5)**2
call OMLS_init(1, 3)
call OMLS_fit(n, x, f, n, x, f0)
call OMLS_finalize
open(10, file="input_1d.dat", form="unformatted", &
access="direct", recl=sizeof(r)/4*n)
write(10, rec=1) x(1,:)
write(10, rec=2) f
open(11, file="output_1d.dat", form="unformatted", &
access="direct", recl=sizeof(r)/4*n)
write(11, rec=1) x(1,:)
write(11, rec=2) f0
end program main
program main
use orthogonal_multinomials_least_squares
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 100, nx = 10, ny = 10
real, parameter :: dx = 0.1, dy = 0.1
real :: x(2,n), f(n), f0(n)
integer :: i, j, k
real :: r
do j = 1, ny
do i = 1, nx
k = (j-1)*nx+i
x(1,k) = i*dx
x(2,k) = j*dy
call random_number(r)
x(1,k) = x(1,k)+r*dx/10.0
x(2,k) = x(2,k)+r*dy/10.0
end do
end do
! f = exp(-100.0*((x(1,:)-0.5)**2+(x(2,:)-0.5)**2))
f = (x(1,:)-0.5)**2+(x(2,:)-0.5)**2
call OMLS_init(2, 2)
call OMLS_fit(n, x, f, n, x, f0)
call OMLS_finalize
open(10, file="input_2d.dat", form="unformatted", access="direct", recl=sizeof(r)/4*n)
write(10, rec=1) x(1,:)
write(10, rec=2) x(2,:)
write(10, rec=3) f
open(11, file="output_2d.dat", form="unformatted", access="direct", recl=sizeof(r)/4*n)
write(11, rec=1) x(1,:)
write(11, rec=2) x(2,:)
write(11, rec=3) f0
end program main
! orthogonal_multinomials_least_squares module
! Purpose:
! (1) construct orthogonal multinomials according to discrete data
! (2) use the generated orthogonal basis to reconstruct the continuous
! distribution of the data
! Author:
! Name: DONG Li
! Email: dongli@lasg.iap.ac.cn
! Mathematics supporter:
! Name: SONG Xiang
! Email: ?
module orthogonal_multinomials_least_squares
implicit none
integer :: num_dim
integer :: max_exponent
integer :: num_row
integer :: num_monomial
integer, allocatable :: ranges(:,:)
integer, allocatable :: exponents(:,:)
real, allocatable :: coef(:)
real, allocatable :: psi_buf1(:,:)
real, allocatable :: psi_buf2(:)
interface psi
module procedure psi_internal_point
module procedure psi_external_point
end interface psi
subroutine OMLS_init(nd, me)
integer, intent(in) :: nd, me
integer :: i, j, k, m, n
num_dim = nd
max_exponent = me
num_row = me+1
! generate the structure of monomials
! number of monomials in each range
ranges(2,:) = 1
do i = 3, num_row
do j = 1, num_dim
ranges(i,j) = sum(ranges(i-1,j:num_dim))
end do
end do
! total number of monomials
num_monomial = sum(ranges)+1
exponents(1,:) = 0
do i = 2, num_dim+1
exponents(i,:) = 0
exponents(i,i-1) = 1
end do
m = num_dim+2 ! offset for exponents
do i = 3, num_row
n = 1 ! offset base for exponents in previous row
do k = 2, i-2
n = n+sum(ranges(k,:))
end do
do j = 1, num_dim ! loop for ranges in current row
do k = 1, sum(ranges(i-1,j:num_dim)) ! loop for monomial
exponents(m,:) = exponents(n+k,:)
exponents(m,j) = exponents(m,j)+1
m = m+1
end do
n = n+sum(ranges(i-1,j:j))
end do
end do
write(*, "('ranges:')")
do i = 2, num_row
write(*, "('row ', i2, ': ')", advance="no") i
write(*, *)ranges(i,:)
end do
write(*, *)
write(*, "('exponents:')")
do i = 1, num_monomial
write(*, *) exponents(i,:)
end do
end subroutine OMLS_init
subroutine OMLS_fit(num_point, x, f, num_point0, x0, f0)
integer, intent(in) :: num_point, num_point0
real, intent(in) :: x(num_dim,num_point), f(num_point)
real, intent(in) :: x0(num_dim,num_point0)
real, intent(out) :: f0(num_point0)
real :: diag_A(num_monomial), B(num_monomial)
real :: tmp
real :: A(num_monomial,num_monomial) ! for debug
integer :: k ! for debug
integer :: i, j
psi_buf2 = 0.0
! set up the buffers
do j = 1, num_monomial
do i = 1, num_point
psi_buf1(i,j) = psi(num_point, x, j, i)
end do
do i = 1, num_point
psi_buf2(j) = psi_buf2(j)+psi_buf1(i,j)**2
end do
end do
B = 0.0
do j = 1, num_monomial
diag_A(j) = psi_buf2(j)
do i = 1, num_point
B(j) = B(j)+psi_buf1(i,j)*f(i)
end do
end do
coef = B/diag_A
f0 = 0.0
do j = 1, num_point0
do i = 1, num_monomial
f0(j) = f0(j)+coef(i)*psi(num_point, x, i, x0(:,j))
end do
end do
! for debug
A = 0.0
do k = 1, num_monomial
do j = 1, num_monomial
do i = 1, num_point
A(j,k) = A(j,k)+psi_buf1(i,j)*psi_buf1(i,k)
end do
end do
write(*,*) A(:,k)
end do
write(*, "('The coefficients are:')")
do i = 1, num_monomial
write(*, *) coef(i)
end do
end subroutine OMLS_fit
real function psi_internal_point(num_point, x, mono_indx, point_indx) result(ans)
integer, intent(in) :: num_point
real, intent(in), target :: x(num_dim,num_point)
integer, intent(in) :: mono_indx
integer, intent(in) :: point_indx
real :: tmp
real, pointer :: xk(:)
integer :: i, j
if(mono_indx == 1) then
ans = 1
end if
do i = num_dim, 1, -1
if(exponents(mono_indx,i) /= 0) then
xk => x(i,:)
ans = x(i,point_indx)*psi_buf1(point_indx,mono_indx-1)
end if
end do
do i = 1, mono_indx-1
tmp = 0.0
do j = 1, num_point
tmp = tmp+xk(j)*psi_buf1(j,mono_indx-1)*psi_buf1(j,i)
end do
ans = ans-tmp/psi_buf2(i)*psi_buf1(point_indx,i)
end do
end function psi_internal_point
recursive real function psi_external_point(num_point, x, mono_indx, x0) result(ans)
integer, intent(in) :: num_point
real, intent(in), target :: x(num_dim,num_point)
integer, intent(in) :: mono_indx ! current monomial index (recursive)
real, intent(in) :: x0(num_dim)
real :: tmp
real, pointer :: xk(:)
integer :: i, j
if(mono_indx == 1) then
ans = 1
end if
do i = num_dim, 1, -1
if(exponents(mono_indx,i) /= 0) then
xk => x(i,:)
ans = x0(i)*psi_external_point(num_point, x, mono_indx-1, x0)
end if
end do
do i = 1, mono_indx-1
tmp = 0.0
do j = 1, num_point
tmp = tmp+xk(j)*psi_buf1(j,mono_indx-1)*psi_buf1(j,i)
end do
ans = ans-tmp/psi_buf2(i)*psi_external_point(num_point, x, i, x0)
end do
end function psi_external_point
subroutine OMLS_finalize
if(allocated(ranges)) deallocate(ranges)
if(allocated(exponents)) deallocate(exponents)
if(allocated(coef)) deallocate(coef)
if(allocated(psi_buf1)) deallocate(psi_buf1)
if(allocated(psi_buf2)) deallocate(psi_buf2)
end subroutine OMLS_finalize
end module orthogonal_multinomials_least_squares
Can someone check the codes and find out the problems?
![[bigears] [bigears] [bigears]](/data/assets/smilies/bigears.gif)