I have a filter code that works wonderfully for allowing the end user to only display records that match criteria "X". The only problem is when the filter is applied, the ordering that is done when the form is initially loaded is undone.
I’ve searched the forums and the web in general and found some examples on applying a filter, but I’m VBA ignorant enough to understand the concept, but not have enough of a grasp to be able to retool it for my file.
Here is the information
Table: CBM
Form: CBMForm
Field to sort by: Serial Number (two words)
If it helps, here is the search code
I’ve searched the forums and the web in general and found some examples on applying a filter, but I’m VBA ignorant enough to understand the concept, but not have enough of a grasp to be able to retool it for my file.
Here is the information
Table: CBM
Form: CBMForm
Field to sort by: Serial Number (two words)
If it helps, here is the search code
Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
If Len(cboSearchField) = 0 Or IsNull(cboSearchField) = True Then
MsgBox "You must select a field to search."
ElseIf Len(txtSearchString) = 0 Or IsNull(txtSearchString) = True Then
MsgBox "You must enter a search string."
'Generate search criteria
GCriteria = "[" & cboSearchField.Value & "] LIKE '*" & txtSearchString & "*'"
'Filter frmCustomers based on search criteria
Form_CBMForm.RecordSource = "select * from CRL where " & GCriteria
Form_CBMForm.Caption = "Sorted by: " & cboSearchField.Value & " containing '*" & txtSearchString & "*'"
'Close frmSearch
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmSearch"
' Updates the Record Count
' Form_ CBMForm.OrderByOn = True
' Form_ CBMForm.OrderBy "Serial Number"
' Form.OrderBy = "[Serial Number] ASC"
' Form.OrderByOn = True
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
End If
End Sub