Let me start with I have only been working with Crystal Reports for about 2 days so I'm a Newbie. The problem I'm having seems like it should have an easy fix but I can't find anything in the manual or online help that is useful. Here is the issue: We have a report that extracts comment lines out of a MAS200 db and adds them as special instructions to a work order. It adds the lines of text fine but they are not in the correct order. The line-index field appears to be random numbers and as such doesn't work for sorting. After looking deeper each record also has a link-to-previous field and a link-to-next field and the first lines link-to-previous is 0 and the last lines link-to-next is 0 and if you follow the numbers using the link-to-next field from each record to the matching line-index field everything would come out in the correct order. So I know the method that would order everything correctly But, I have absolutely no idea how to implement it. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.