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Oracle to buy Novell?

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Apr 26, 2002
Rumor central working an old one again.
Perhaps Larry will savage the old gal?
Give it new life.
64-bit Netware 7 anyone?

I remember Netware 3.11 running Oracle 6 in 1992 on
a compaq 4-way 486. 4 snakes.........

George Walkey
Senior Geek in charge
The NetWare thing ain't going to happen. NetWare was never meant to be a database server in any way shape or form. I believe it is for Suse only.


William Chadbourne
Oracle DBA
The last version of Oracle released on NetWare was version Oracle is now up to Version 10 Release 2. There will never be another version released for NetWare. Oracle is only going to support Novell SuSE.


William Chadbourne
Oracle DBA
Yeah, Oracle 8.x or something was bundled with NetWare 5.1. But shortly after NW5.1 release, oracle pulled the plug on their support for it. Was somewhat of a disappointment.

Marvin Huffaker, MCNE
Truth be told, I used to have Oracle8i on both a Linux box and (still) on a NetWare 5.1 box. The linux box was a 400mhz Celeron with 512mb of RAM and the NetWare is a 900mhz with 4GB of RAM. Oracle on the Linux box ran circles around Oracle on NetWare with the same data and amount of users.


William Chadbourne
Oracle DBA
Actually, you can purchase Standard Edition One for $4,995 per processor and the maintenance is around $800 per year. As long as you pay the maintenance fee you get free upgrades. So, for example, when Oracle11 comes out all you do is go to Oracle Support, tell them you want the new version and in about 2-3 days you receive the CDs.


William Chadbourne
Oracle DBA
I wish Marvin *would* buy Netware and give it new life. If anyone is going to buy Novell, I think IBM gets first dibs on it. Which, of course, make sense when you think about it.

It's really sad that truly fine products, like OS/2, Netware, dBase, Lotus 123, Word Perfect, and even DR-DOS have been crushed by the Redmond machine.

That's my rant for the day.

Iolair MacWalter
Director of IT
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