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oracle select and insert syntax

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Jun 21, 2001
I have an oracle database, the format of it is:
table travel_request
request_id number(5) not null,
dbdirid number(15) not null,
origin varchar2(128) not null,
destination varchar2(128) not null,
depart_date date not null,
return_date date,
purpose varchar2(255) not null,
justification varchar2(255),
approval_status char(1)

I am trying to add a set of data to it from a form, then display the data from the database to verify it has been added correctly. There does not seem to be any error when I add the data to the database, using the insert command. However I cannot display the data.

the date variables are in the format "DD-MM-YYYY", so I may need to use the TO_DATE function to convert to a correct Oracle date format, however I have not go this to work either. Does anyone know the problem with my code? I have included the code below...


$dbh = db_connect($database_user,$database_password,$database_name);

$stmt = ociparse($dbh,&quot;insert into TRAVEL_REQUEST (request_id_sequence.nextval,$dbdirid,'$origin',
'$destination' ,$depart_date, '$purpose', '$justification', '$approval_status')&quot;);


$display = ociparse($dbh, &quot;select * from TRAVEL_REQUEST&quot;);

echo ociresult($display).&quot;<br>\n&quot;;

I have altered my code to now look like this:
the first piece of code attempts to insert into the database
and the second part to display what has been added,

I cant see where my problem is, but nothing seems to come out of the table when I use my select command.
$dbh = db_connect($database_user,$database_password,$database_name);
$stmt = OCIparse($dbh,&quot;insert into TRAVEL_REQUEST (request_id_sequence.nextval,$dbdirid,'$origin', '$destination' ,to_date('depart_date','DD-MM-YYYY'),to_date('return_date','DD-MM-YYYY'), '$purpose', '$justification', '$approval_status')&quot;);

$dbh = db_connect($database_user,$database_password,$database_name);
$display = OCIparse($dbh, &quot;select * from TRAVEL_REQUEST&quot;);

while(OCIFetchInto($display, $values))

echo &quot;<tr><td>$current_id </td></tr>&quot;;

I have tried this but nothing is printed from print_r(),it seems the while loop is not entered, and even simple text within the while loop does not appear on screen.

I think my problem is in my insert code or fetch code?
thankyou, I realise I should have been adding these error checks, when I add them I find the error appears after the execute statement, does that mean it cannot add this record to the database? if so why?

//try first to connect to the database. if we can't then end

$dbh = db_connect($database_user,$database_password,$database_name);
$stmt = OCIparse($dbh,&quot;insert into TRAVEL_REQUEST (request_id_sequence.nextval,$dbdirid,'$origin', '$destination' ,to_date($depart_date,'DD-MM-YYYY'),to_date($return_date,'DD-MM-YYYY'), '$purpose', '$justification', '$approval_status')&quot;);
echo OCIError($stmt).&quot;<br>&quot;;
echo &quot;error in insert&quot;;

echo OCIError($execute).&quot;<br>&quot;;
echo &quot;error in execute&quot;;
As an aside, when posting code, use the TGML [ignore]
[/ignore] tags, not <code>...</code>. This will stop the TGML processor from doing odd things to some PHP code.

I have a FAQ in this forum which covers debugging PHP code. It has a section on debugging database code. The specific examples use MySQL, but the advice will also work for Oracle: faq434-2999

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the code still falls at this stage, and the error happens at the execute stage however no error is displayed from OCI Error(), so I am not sure what to do?

Any Ideas
sleipnir sorry, up to now their has been an error in my connection to the database, the path was wrong in my index.

I can now see the error when inserting, it says.

insert into TRAVEL_REQUEST values(request_id_sequence.nextval,2115704,'London', 'New York' , to_date(12-03-2004,'DD-MM-YYYY'),to_date(18-03-2004,'DD-MM-YYYY'), 'Visiting Staff', 'fdhdfgh', 'p')Failed to insert 

Reason ORA-01847: day of month must be between 1 and last day of month 1847  
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so I think the problem is in the sql?
ok it is now sorted, the problem was the sql, I had removed single quotes from the date char form field, when I did not know the database path connection was wrongs,

thanks for your help though
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