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Oracle install - req. disk space confusion

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Feb 19, 2001
I've installed Solaris 8 IA on a PII350 w/ 6Gb HD; with minimal slices: / = 5.2 gb, /export = .5gb & swap = .4gb.
I've created a directory on the / slice called /u02 to hold oracle database files (/u01 to hold oracle program), and the oracle install program is telling me I've got insufficient disk space using that directory. df -k tells me I've got 4.3 gb left on the / slice. Can someone help me understand why its telling me I don't have enough disk space when I think I should have 4.3 gb?? Thanks

are there any messages about running out of disk space in /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log?

That shoudl help you if the install process is creating files somewhere unexpected. Mike
Email welcome if you're in a hurry or something -- but post in tek-tips as well please, and I will post my reply here as well.
Thanks for the response! No messages in any log files I could find. (No 'syslog' dir in /adm?! Should there be one?) Looked at all logs I could find, but none said "low space".

Let me clarify if I can:

I have a 6 Gig HD, all for solaris. When installing Solaris I created three slices:

/ with 5.2 Gig (I've used ~1 gig)
/export/home with .5 Gig
swap with .44 Gig

To install oracle I did a "mkdir" from the root directory and created /u01, /u02, one for the software, one for the database. So far as I can tell, those u0x directories are on a 4.3 gig slice since I created them under the root directory. (I am new to the whole filesystem concept, so if I'm waaaay off base in my understanding of slices, mounts, etc.... just tell me and I'll go learn a bit more before I trouble you further). But the oracle universal installer (at the component installation window) shows only 171 Meg showing for the '/' volume when "df -k" says different.

This is what "df -k" shows me from my "oracle" user account, if it helps. thanks again!!

Filesystem kbytes used avail Mounted on
/dev/dsk/c0d0s0 5240062 817273 4370389 /
/dev/dsk/c0d0p0:boot 10484 1623 8861 /boot
/proc 0 0 0 /proc
fd 0 0 0 /dev/fd
mnttab 0 0 0 /etc/mnttab
swap 442376 0 442376 /var/run
swap 442692 316 442376 /tmp
/dev/dsk/c0d0s7 514646 1130 462052 /export/home
/export/home/oracle 514646 1130 462052 /home/oracle

What does yout Oracle documentation give the required disk space as?

Ged Jones

Top man
Oracle documentation specifies just over 1 gig for installation. The kicker is the installation program reports only 171 meg free on my "/" slice though. Someone did mention a potential bug with the install program and disks over 2 gig?! Anyone else heard of this?
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