- Sep 10, 2008
- 4
Hi guys! I have a question for you. Below is code for a procedure that selects from a table and converts data to xml and returns a CLOB to the calling procedure. The problem is that when my select clause doesn't return a value for one or more columns the xml produced is missing an opening tag.
Below is the code that produces the clob and the output:
And this is the output that I have a problem with:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <MMTable>
- <MMRow>
<CoCPatient />
<Carrier /> <---------This needs to have openning tag.
<TrackingNumber />
How would I resolve this problem? Thanks much!
Below is the code that produces the clob and the output:
procedure convert_to_xml(i_date in date, out_xml OUT CLOB) as
TYPE typ_ref IS REF CURSOR; --Declare cursor to get data from thot.apokyn_outbound_data table
v_ref typ_ref;
qryctx dbms_xmlgen.ctxHandle; -- Declare XML handle
--v_log_message THOT.RXC_MI_LOGS.log_message%TYPE; VARCHAR2(256);
-- Cursor with NVL for columns that must appear regardless if they are null.
OPEN v_ref FOR
-- SELECT ap.*
-- FROM thot.apokyn_outbound_data ap
-- WHERE trunc(ap.REPORTING_DATE) = i_date;
nvl(to_char(ap.SP_IDENTIFIER), ' ') as "SPIdentifier",
nvl(ap.SPOR_PT_ID, ' ') as "CoCPatient",
ap.PATIENT_ID as "SPPatientID",
nvl(ap.REFERRAL_DATE, ' ') as "ReferralDate",
nvl(ap.PT_STATUS_CODE, ' ') as "PatientStatusCode",
ap.STATUS_DATE as "PatientStatusDate",
nvl(ap.SHIP_TO_LOC, ' ') as "ShipToLocation",
nvl(ap.CARRIER, ' ') as "Carrier" ,
nvl(to_char(ap.TRACKING_NUM),' ') as "TrackingNumber",
nvl(to_char(ap.prescription_id), ' ') as "RxNumber"
FROM thot.apokyn_outbound_data ap
WHERE trunc(ap.REPORTING_DATE) = i_date;
-- charts table for the passed in p_ charts_seq_id to get the chart note text
-- Assigning new context to variable
qryctx := dbms_xmlgen.newContext(v_ref);
-- Setting table header
dbms_xmlgen.setRowSetTag(qryctx, 'MMTable');
-- Setting Row header
dbms_xmlgen.setRowTag(qryctx, 'MMRow');
-- Storing XML code to CLOB variable
out_xml := dbms_xmlgen.getXML(qryctx);
-- Deleting XML header
-- out_xml := REPLACE(out_xml,'<?xml version="1.0"?>','');
CLOSE v_ref;
-- Closing context
-- v_log_message:=substr('Exception Occurred At THOT.MI_XML_PROCESSOR_PKG.CREATE_CCF_REQUEST_PRC with SQL error message-'||SQLERRM,1,4000); -- CQ10231 Added substr( <string>,1,4000)
-- Logging error
-- THOT.MI_XML_PROCESSOR_UTIL_PKG.RXC_MI_LOG_ROWTYPE_PRC( p_req_header_id,'ERROR','CCF',v_log_message);
dbms_output.put_line('Unhandled exception: '||substr(sqlerrm,1,200));
end convert_to_xml;
And this is the output that I have a problem with:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <MMTable>
- <MMRow>
<CoCPatient />
<Carrier /> <---------This needs to have openning tag.
<TrackingNumber />
How would I resolve this problem? Thanks much!