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Oracle 9i Missing oppening xml tag when field has no data 1

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Sep 10, 2008
Hi guys! I have a question for you. Below is code for a procedure that selects from a table and converts data to xml and returns a CLOB to the calling procedure. The problem is that when my select clause doesn't return a value for one or more columns the xml produced is missing an opening tag.
Below is the code that produces the clob and the output:

procedure convert_to_xml(i_date in date, out_xml OUT CLOB) as

TYPE typ_ref IS REF CURSOR; --Declare cursor to get data from thot.apokyn_outbound_data table
v_ref typ_ref;

qryctx dbms_xmlgen.ctxHandle; -- Declare XML handle
--v_log_message THOT.RXC_MI_LOGS.log_message%TYPE; VARCHAR2(256);


-- Cursor with NVL for columns that must appear regardless if they are null.
  OPEN v_ref FOR
--          SELECT ap.*
--          FROM thot.apokyn_outbound_data ap
--          WHERE trunc(ap.REPORTING_DATE) = i_date;
          nvl(to_char(ap.SP_IDENTIFIER), ' ') as "SPIdentifier",
          nvl(ap.SPOR_PT_ID, ' ')             as "CoCPatient",
          ap.PATIENT_ID                       as "SPPatientID",
          nvl(ap.REFERRAL_DATE, ' ')          as "ReferralDate",
          nvl(ap.PT_STATUS_CODE, ' ')         as "PatientStatusCode",
          ap.STATUS_DATE                      as "PatientStatusDate",
          nvl(ap.SHIP_TO_LOC, ' ')            as "ShipToLocation",
          nvl(ap.CARRIER, ' ')                as "Carrier" ,
          nvl(to_char(ap.TRACKING_NUM),' ')   as "TrackingNumber",
          nvl(to_char(ap.prescription_id), ' ') as "RxNumber"           
            FROM thot.apokyn_outbound_data ap
            WHERE trunc(ap.REPORTING_DATE) = i_date;

--     charts table for the passed in p_ charts_seq_id to get the chart note text

-- Assigning new context to variable
      qryctx := dbms_xmlgen.newContext(v_ref);

-- Setting table header
      dbms_xmlgen.setRowSetTag(qryctx, 'MMTable');

-- Setting Row header
      dbms_xmlgen.setRowTag(qryctx, 'MMRow');
-- Storing XML code to CLOB variable
      out_xml := dbms_xmlgen.getXML(qryctx);
-- Deleting XML header 
   --   out_xml := REPLACE(out_xml,'<?xml version="1.0"?>','');

  CLOSE v_ref;

-- Closing context

      -- v_log_message:=substr('Exception Occurred At THOT.MI_XML_PROCESSOR_PKG.CREATE_CCF_REQUEST_PRC with SQL error message-'||SQLERRM,1,4000); -- CQ10231 Added substr( <string>,1,4000)
       -- Logging error
     --  THOT.MI_XML_PROCESSOR_UTIL_PKG.RXC_MI_LOG_ROWTYPE_PRC( p_req_header_id,'ERROR','CCF',v_log_message);
     dbms_output.put_line('Unhandled exception: '||substr(sqlerrm,1,200)); 

end convert_to_xml;

And this is the output that I have a problem with:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <MMTable>
- <MMRow>
<CoCPatient />
<Carrier /> <---------This needs to have openning tag.
<TrackingNumber />

How would I resolve this problem? Thanks much!
You need to set the nullhandling flag

Try putting this line before your query


In order to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.
My mistake, obviously you should set the nullhandling flag after you get the qryctx returned, not before the query itself.

In order to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.
<TrackingNumber/> is not the same as </TrackingNumber> , this is not closing tag but rather a shorthand for
Read XML spec.

Regards, Dima
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