I have a clean NT machine with no networking installed. It is not a 2 tier cleint/server setup. I have the 8i Enterprise CD. When I install, all goes well until Net 8 attempts to intitialize the DB after copying the files. I keep getting ora-00101 regarding invalid system parm for MTS_DISPATCHERS. I have also tried refromatting the drive and installing NT from scratch before with Netowrking installed and I received an IP address problem error. Both times Oracle could not be started. So now I have started over to make sure it is 'clean'. I have Option Pack 4 and SP6 installed and am ready to go. I don't understand what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated. My system is certainly powerful enough. I have a Duron 650 qith 128 meg RAM and a 20G hard drive. The 2 partitions involved are:
OS = FAT 2g
Target drive = NTFS 12g
Any ideas?
OS = FAT 2g
Target drive = NTFS 12g
Any ideas?