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ORA-04103 errors 1

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Nov 5, 2001
Hi All,

I'm quite new to PL/SQL and so may be missing something simple but... I get many errors when running the following PL/SQL code

create or replace


  procedure occ_main AS
      dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ' - Error:' || sqlerrm );
  END occ_main;


  procedure occ_foster_carers AS

    v_record_count number;
    select count(*) 
    into v_record_count 
    from occ_fos_enquiry;
    dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') 
        || ' Deleting ['
        || v_record_count
        || '] rows from occ_fos_enquiry');
    delete from occ_fos_enquiry;
    dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') 
        || ' Inserting rows into occ_fos_enquiry');

    insert into occ_fos_enquiry
      , app1_person_id
      , app1_first_name
      , app1_last_name
      , app1_address
      , app1_gender
      , app1_dob
      , app2_person_id
      , app2_first_name
      , app2_last_name
      , app2_address
      , app2_gender
      , app2_dob
      , res_age_range
      , res_short_term
      , res_long_term
      , res_fostering_plus
      , res_sibling_groups
      , res_disability_adoption
--      , res_disability_experience
--      , res_disabled_child
      , res_parent_child
--      , res_gender
      , res_number_of_children
      , res_uasc
      , res_family_friends
      , res_relief
      , res_shortbreaks_disabled
      , res_shortbreaks_nondisabled
      , res_mtfcp
      , res_undecided
      , enquiry_date
      , rec_internet
      , rec_word_of_mouth
      , rec_knows_fcarer
      , rec_knows_adopter
      , rec_leaflet
      , rec_tv_radio
      , rec_prev_enquiry
      , rec_cis
      , rec_occ_worker
      , rec_advert
      , rec_community_event
      , rec_fcare_fortnight
      , rec_other_agency
      , rec_other
      , rec_other_specify
      occ.f_get_workflow_id(ep.id) "enquiry_id"
      , nvl(( select to_number(nvl(vfa.text_answer,'0'))
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'app1_ID'
          ),-1) as "app1_person_id"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'app1forename'
          ),'<null>') as "app1_first_name"
      , nvl(( select nvl(vfa.text_answer , '')
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'app1surname'
          ),'<null>') as "app1_last_name"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'app1address'
          ),'<null>') as "app1_address"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'app1gender'
          ),'<null>') as "app1_gender"
      , nvl(( select vfa.date_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'app1dob' 
          ),null) as "app1_dob"
      , nvl(( select to_number(nvl(vfa.text_answer,'0'))
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'app2_ID' 
          ),-1) as "app2_person_id"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'app2forename' 
          ),'<null>') as "app2_first_name"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'app2surname' 
          ),'<null>') as "app2_last_name"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'app2address' 
          ),'<null>') as "app2_address"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'app2gender' 
          ),null) as "app2_gender"
      , nvl(( select vfa.date_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'app2dob' 
          ),null) as "app2_dob"
      , ( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'adoption' 
          ) as "res_adoption"
      , nvl(( select substr(vfa.text_answer, 1, 100)
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'agerange' 
          ),'<null>') as "res_age_range"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'shortterm' 
          ),'-') as "res_short_term"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'longterm' 
          ),'-') as "res_long_term"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'fosteringplus' 
          ),'-') as "res_fostering_plus"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'siblinggroups' 
          ),'-') as "res_sibling_groups"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'disabilityadoption' 
          ),'-') as "res_disability_adoption"
/*      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'disabilityexperience' 
          ),'-') as "res_disability_experience"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'disabledchild' 
          ),'-') as "res_disabled_child"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'parentchild' 
          ),'-') as "res_parent_child"
/*      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'gender' 
          ),'-') as "res_gender"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'numberofchildren' 
          ),'-') as "res_number_of_children"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'uasc' 
          ),'-') as "res_uasc"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'familyfriends' 
          ),'-') as "res_family_friends"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'relief' 
          ),'-') as "res_relief"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'shortbreaks_disabled' 
          ),'-') as "res_shortbreaks_disabled"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'shortbreaks_nondisabled' 
          ),'-') as "res_shortbreaks_nondisabled"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'mtfcp' 
          ),'-') as "res_mtfcp"
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'undecided' 
          ),'-') as "res_undecided"
      , nvl(( select vfa.date_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'enquiry_date' 
          ),null) as "enquiry_date"

      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'B508E5F9-790F-B34B-58C9-34A5C2BB8C03' 
          ),'-') as "rec_internet"              
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = '00F83334-92CC-419D-A881-759B09D97E6A' 
          ),'-') as "rec_word_of_mouth"  
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = '6218B8B0-BA28-94F0-AF0C-F3E90B46A43C' 
          ),'-') as "rec_knows_carer"  
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = '7A8903F2-2454-05EE-4C73-B2366919677A' 
          ),'-') as "rec_knows_adopter"  
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'E67D22CD-39DF-5906-5687-ADF8F2FDB73A' 
          ),'-') as "rec_leaflet"  
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = '8B0DC0E0-C84A-E03F-0D50-0E9566AED630' 
          ),'-') as "rec_tv_radio"  
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'A4B4E24C-659E-F6B7-3529-FA6D564B9B7C' 
          ),'-') as "rec_prev_enquiry"  
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'EA1FE816-97BE-BC16-A120-CDB1E7408798' 
          ),'-') as "rec_cis"  
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'CB2BA87E-C304-2BB4-3DD8-0B407E6A0B70' 
          ),'-') as "rec_occ_worker"  
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'F68EBD5D-5331-A237-C9BB-F5FDA912E342' 
          ),'-') as "rec_advert"  
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = '92D1966B-0CA4-3488-09C4-B8CC16149345' 
          ),'-') as "rec_community_event"  
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'C978C551-A615-0079-D76F-DF9E6B4BD35C' 
          ),'-') as "rec_fcare_fortnight"  
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = 'DFEC409C-93FB-D87D-C579-3382BA770E90' 
          ),'-') as "rec_other_agency"  
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = '850E3275-C965-751A-A57C-5D951A99E0BF' 
          ),'-') as "rec_other"  
      , nvl(( select vfa.text_answer 
          from   vw_form_answers vfa 
          where  vfa.form_id = f.id
            and  vfa.form_answers_tag_id = '6D3B129B-F090-7AB1-1FAD-E0DE8CF55588' 
          ),'-') as "rec_other_specify"  


      episodes ep

      -- JOIN: Forms
      inner join forms f
      on f.episode_id = ep.id
      -- JOIN: Form types
      inner join form_types ft
      on f.form_type_id = ft.id

      ft.id_code = 'FORM1154968748000';  -- Foster Carer or Adopter Enquiry Form

    select count(*) 
    into v_record_count 
    from occ_fos_enquiry;
    dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') 
        || ' Successfully inserted ['
        || v_record_count 
        || '] rows into occ_fos_enquiry');

    dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') 
        || ' Updating occ_fos_enquiry with closed enquiry details...started');

    dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') 
        || ' Updating occ_fos_enquiry with closed enquiry details...completed');
      dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ' - Error:' || sqlerrm);
  END occ_foster_carers;



The output I receive is:

02-DEC-2008 16:25:16 Deleting [112] rows from occ_fos_enquiry
02-DEC-2008 16:25:16 Inserting rows into occ_fos_enquiry
ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-01403: no data found
02-DEC-2008 16:25:26 Successfully inserted [112] rows into occ_fos_enquiry
02-DEC-2008 16:25:26 Updating occ_fos_enquiry with closed enquiry details...started
02-DEC-2008 16:25:26 Updating occ_fos_enquiry with closed enquiry details...completed
Process exited.

There are 112 ORA-01403 messages. I've tried a DATA_NOT_FOUND to the exception block but it doesn't trap this error.

Any help gratefully received. Thanks, Steve.

Steve Phillips, Crystal Trainer/Consultant

Since I have no sample data set available against which to test your code, I'm not prepared presently to go through your code manually to troubleshoot the problem.

But I can tell you that in PL/SQL, if you are not using explicit or implicit cursors, that SELECT statements must return precisely one row...neither:[ul][li]zero rows (which throws the "ORA-04103: no data found" error) nor[/li][li]two or more rows (which throws the "ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows" error).[/li][/ul]

Therefore, your code is attempting to SELECT data for which no row returns.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
“Beware of those that seek to protect you from harm or risk. The cost will be your freedoms and your liberty.”
Hi Dave,

Thank you very much for that response. How should this type of code be written in PL/SQL?

Essentially I have an answers table VW_FORM_ANSWERS with many millions of rows and I am trying to pull together just those answers relating to one area (FOSTERING) via an overnight population script and storing this in a table called OCC_FOS_ENQUIRY.

Many of the answers will be missing.

The answers are linked to a FORM and I'm selecting (in the outer query) just the fostering form.

Each sub queries in my solution SELECTs the specific answer using the FORM_ANSWER_TAG_ID.

I would really appreciate your advice on this one.

Steve Phillips, Crystal Trainer/Consultant

I re-wrote your code as I would have done it. I believe it is quite a bit tighter. And by using local functions (which I bolded and italicized) to obtain your column data, you have the luxury of having no rows found and returning no data, yet avoiding a runtime error due to no data:
create or replace


  procedure occ_main AS
      dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ' - Error:' || sqlerrm );
  END occ_main;
procedure get_text (id number, tag varchar2) return varchar2 is
        text_hold varchar2(32767);
        select text_answer into text_hold
          from   vw_form_answers
          where  form_id = id
            and  form_answers_tag_id = tag;
        when others then
            return null;
procedure get_date (id number, tag varchar2) return varchar2 is
        date_hold date;
        select date_answer into date_hold
          from   vw_form_answers
          where  form_id = id
            and  form_answers_tag_id = tag;
        when others then
            return null;
  procedure occ_foster_carers AS

    v_record_count number;
    select count(*) 
    into v_record_count 
    from occ_fos_enquiry;
    dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') 
        || ' Deleting ['
        || v_record_count
        || '] rows from occ_fos_enquiry');
    delete from occ_fos_enquiry;
    dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') 
        || ' Inserting rows into occ_fos_enquiry');

    insert into occ_fos_enquiry
      , app1_person_id
      , app1_first_name
      , app1_last_name
      , app1_address
      , app1_gender
      , app1_dob
      , app2_person_id
      , app2_first_name
      , app2_last_name
      , app2_address
      , app2_gender
      , app2_dob
--    , res_adoption
      , res_age_range
      , res_short_term
      , res_long_term
      , res_fostering_plus
      , res_sibling_groups
      , res_disability_adoption
--    , res_disability_experience
--    , res_disabled_child
      , res_parent_child
--    , res_gender
      , res_number_of_children
      , res_uasc
      , res_family_friends
      , res_relief
      , res_shortbreaks_disabled
      , res_shortbreaks_nondisabled
      , res_mtfcp
      , res_undecided
      , enquiry_date
      , rec_internet
      , rec_word_of_mouth
      , rec_knows_fcarer
      , rec_knows_adopter
      , rec_leaflet
      , rec_tv_radio
      , rec_prev_enquiry
      , rec_cis
      , rec_occ_worker
      , rec_advert
      , rec_community_event
      , rec_fcare_fortnight
      , rec_other_agency
      , rec_other
      , rec_other_specify
      occ.f_get_workflow_id(ep.id) "enquiry_id"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'app1_ID',0)) as "app1_person_id"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'app1forename','<null>')) as "app1_first_name"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'app1surname','<null>')) as "app1_last_name"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'app1address','<null>')) as "app1_address"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'app1gender','<null>')) as "app1_gender"
      , get_date(f.id,'app1dob') as "app1_dob"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'app2_ID',0)) as "app2_person_id"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'app2forename','<null>')) as "app2_first_name"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'app2surname','<null>')) as "app2_last_name"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'app2address','<null>')) as "app2_address"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'app2gender','<null>')) as "app2_gender"
      , get_date(f.id,'app2dob') as "app2_dob"
--    , nvl(get_text(f.id,'adoption','<null>')) as "res_adoption"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'agerange','<null>')) as "res_age_range"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'shortterm','-')) as "res_short_term"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'longterm','-')) as "res_long_term"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'fosteringplus','-')) as "res_fostering_plus"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'siblinggroups','-')) as "res_sibling_groups"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'disabilityadoption','-')) as "res_disability_adoption"
--    , nvl(get_text(f.id,'disabilityexperience','-')) as "res_disability_experience"
--    , nvl(get_text(f.id,'disabledchild','-')) as "res_disabled_child"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'parentchild','-')) as "res_parent_child"
--    , nvl(get_text(f.id,'gender','-')) as "res_gender"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'numberofchildren','-')) as "res_number_of_children"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'uasc','-')) as "res_uasc"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'familyfriends','-')) as "res_family_friends"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'relief','-')) as "res_relief"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'shortbreaks_disabled','-')) as "res_shortbreaks_disabled"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'shortbreaks_nondisabled','-')) as "res_shortbreaks_nondisabled"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'mtfcp','-')) as "res_mtfcp"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'undecided','-')) as "res_undecided"
      , get_date(f.id,'enquiry_date') as "enquiry_date"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'B508E5F9-790F-B34B-58C9-34A5C2BB8C03','-')) as "rec_internet"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'%','00F83334-92CC-419D-A881-759B09D97E6A')) as "rec_word_of_mouth"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'6218B8B0-BA28-94F0-AF0C-F3E90B46A43C','-')) as "rec_knows_fcarer"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'7A8903F2-2454-05EE-4C73-B2366919677A','-')) as "rec_knows_adopter"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'E67D22CD-39DF-5906-5687-ADF8F2FDB73A','-')) as "rec_leaflet"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'8B0DC0E0-C84A-E03F-0D50-0E9566AED630','-')) as "rec_tv_radio"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'A4B4E24C-659E-F6B7-3529-FA6D564B9B7C','-')) as "rec_prev_enquiry"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'EA1FE816-97BE-BC16-A120-CDB1E7408798','-')) as "rec_cis"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'CB2BA87E-C304-2BB4-3DD8-0B407E6A0B70','-')) as "rec_occ_worker"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'F68EBD5D-5331-A237-C9BB-F5FDA912E342','-')) as "rec_advert"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'92D1966B-0CA4-3488-09C4-B8CC16149345','-')) as "rec_community_event"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'C978C551-A615-0079-D76F-DF9E6B4BD35C','-')) as "rec_fcare_fortnight"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'DFEC409C-93FB-D87D-C579-3382BA770E90','-')) as "rec_other_agency"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'850E3275-C965-751A-A57C-5D951A99E0BF','-')) as "rec_other"
      , nvl(get_text(f.id,'6D3B129B-F090-7AB1-1FAD-E0DE8CF55588','-')) as "ec_other_specify"
      episodes ep
      -- JOIN: Forms
      inner join forms f
      on f.episode_id = ep.id
        -- JOIN: Form types
      inner join form_types ft
      on f.form_type_id = ft.id
      ft.id_code = 'FORM1154968748000';  -- Foster Carer or Adopter Enquiry Form

    select count(*) 
    into v_record_count 
    from occ_fos_enquiry;
    dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') 
        || ' Successfully inserted ['
        || v_record_count 
        || '] rows into occ_fos_enquiry');

    dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') 
        || ' Updating occ_fos_enquiry with closed enquiry details...started');

    dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') 
        || ' Updating occ_fos_enquiry with closed enquiry details...completed');
      dbms_output.put_line(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ' - Error:' || sqlerrm);
  END occ_foster_carers;


I could have alternately created "over loaded" procedures to accomplish this task, but this method is, perhaps, more straightforward and easy to understand (if you have not seen/used overloaded procedures before).

Let us know how you like this approach. Also, let us know if this eliminates the ORA-1403 errors.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
“Beware of those that seek to protect you from harm or risk. The cost will be your freedoms and your liberty.”
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