Hi there,
I get this message:
Code: ORA-01555
Text: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 11 with name "_SYSSMU11$" too small
And from what I can gather, I need to add or make larger the number of rollback segments.
Our rollback segments are in SYSTEM tablespace, which is 1Gb and 92% full.
I can increase the size (not a problem) but what exactly should I do?
Do I increase the size of SYSTEM to, say, 1.5Gb and then how do I increase the size of the rollback segments? Or should I add more?
Thank you,
There's no need for sarcastic replies, we've not all been this sad for that long!
I get this message:
Code: ORA-01555
Text: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 11 with name "_SYSSMU11$" too small
And from what I can gather, I need to add or make larger the number of rollback segments.
Our rollback segments are in SYSTEM tablespace, which is 1Gb and 92% full.
I can increase the size (not a problem) but what exactly should I do?
Do I increase the size of SYSTEM to, say, 1.5Gb and then how do I increase the size of the rollback segments? Or should I add more?
Thank you,
There's no need for sarcastic replies, we've not all been this sad for that long!