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ORA . 01034 :Oracle not Available 1

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Jul 13, 2003

I am a beginner in Solaris Environment Oracle. I Install Solaris 8 (X86) on a PC.
Solaris 8 OS is running Smoothly on that pc and I also configure all its network
related profile.i can connect that Solaris pc any where from my network.
my system Configuration is

RAM 128
Hard disk 8 GB
My problem is when I installing Oracle 8i at Solaris 8(x86) is installing is ok
And but at last when its making default database ORCL ,
1 Creating Instance File is ok
but during Creating of Data File near 50% of Creation it is showing Oracle

ORA . 01034 :Oracle not Available

After that I abort this Operation and again going to Create Database Through
DBASSIST Icon but Same error is Coming .

I tried to start database through dbstat then it is showing Error

ORA . 27102 : out of Memory
ORA . 01034 :Oracle not Available

After that I increases my RAM size 256 MB

But Still Facing Same above Error.

I did this Also

set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4294967295
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=100
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=10
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=200
set semsys:seminfo_semopm=100
set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=32767

I am using GUI method to install Oracle 8i.Any Other configuration before Oracle 8i
Please Let me Know.

What is root.sh . This is also not executing from root user.
After finishing 100% installation of one message is coming

Please run root.sh which is present in the location /ORACLE_HOME/root.sh by logging in as root from another window before proceeding.

After that Net8 Configuration and Database Configuration is coming.How can I go
Root user without completing this process.
Thanks for reading

well your problem may solve when running root.sh.
You don't find it in /ORACLE_HOME/ but in $ORACLE_HOME/.
It depends where you installed your Oracle.
Maybe in /oracle/817_32 or wherelse.
If you are not sure type as root a 'find / -name root.sh'.
It should tell you where it is.
The out of memory messages is strange but I'm not wondering
on a machine with only 256mb of memory. Sorry I'v no experiences with that. Never installed an Oracle on a machine with less then 1Gig of memory.
You wrote about 8 Gig of harddiskspace. How it is partitioned ? Make sure in the /oracle mountpoint is
enough space.
(don't know how much newbie you are... so try 'df -k' and look at the /oracle entry, or maybe in / when you didn't
made a dedicated mountpoint).
good luck

thanks for your reply.
root.sh file are inside /ORACLE_HOME Directory and i used to
run this file

then it's showing Error
root.sh not execute

regarding my harddisk is root slice capacity is near 5.7 GB
and make there a ORACLE_HOME Directory and install Oracle 8i at there
You probably need to make root.sh executable as follows:

chmod 755 root.sh in the directory it's in. I assume you're running this as root? HTH.
hi again,
do what ken wrote...
but i've never seen that the script is not executable.
Normally the oraisntaller made this chmod for the user.
what does ls -l on that directory sais ?
(the whole line that contains root.sh)
It's strange that it is not executable.
Maybe the process, that fills the script died unexpected and
was not able to fill all needed entries in the file (and make it executable, what is normally made at the end)
Well, 5,7 gig free mem after the core install seems to be ok.
Just for experimental use it might be ok, but in productive
scenarios alwas make an extra mountpoint for the $ORACLE_HOME dir. Think: if your oracle drops a big core,
or logs grow bigger, the / FS may be full what can stop the complete system. With an other mount point for $ORACLE_HOME
only oracle is involved.

But I don't think that you will start a produktive DB on a x86 with oracle with this small hardware...
hi... well murphy must living in my town...
today I've got your ORA 27102.
After I've played with my /etc/system parameters the
DB thought it has no memory.
So try that:
edit set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=0x40000000
reboot -- -r
and try again.
think it should be better.
(maybe try just 0x10000000, or the maximum 0xffffffff or
0xffffffffffffffff for 64bit mode.)
Thanks for nice cooperation and suggestion , right now I install my Oracle 8i at my
Solaris 8 Server successfully and I not got any Error during this installation procedure.
But my problem is come after installation
when I run my .profile then this error is coming

-sh: DISPLAY=sunoracle:0.0: is not an identifier

# sunoracle is my computer host name

when I run dbstart then

dbstart/. $

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jul 18 22:17:36 2003

.c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved(

.SQL> Connected to an idle instance
.SQL> ORACLE instance started

Total System Global Area 35028368 bytes
Fixed Size 64912 bytes
Variable Size 18014208 bytes
Database Buffers 16777216 bytes
Redo Buffers 172032 bytes
.Database mounted
.Database opened
SQL> Disconnected from Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Product
With the Partitioning and Java options
PL/SQL Release - Production

.Database "ORCL" warm started
(3) And when I try to start sqlplus this Error is coming

Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found
Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus

Please hope your kind help again.
Regards and thanks


Hi again,
so your first problem:
sh does not like variable assignment and export on the same line. Either use bash or switch to:

export DISPLAY

Your second problem is more tricky I think.
But it seems to be also a environment Problem.
Check your ORACLE_HOME and PATH env.
If everything looks fine, only thing I would recommend
is to relink the oracle Software - in any case do this,
when you changed something in PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH or
when some env-Statements didn't have worked.
You can relink in that way:

find the ins_rdbms.mk file (should be in
switch to this directory and type as oracle user
&quot;make -f ./ins_rdbms.mk install&quot;

That relinks everything and copies directly to the directories where the binaries should reside.
If it doesnt work, you can simply rename the bianries, ending with an O, to their original names in bin dir.


thanks again mr.Nicolas
right now i oracle runing i can login oracle server from client side also but my problem is when i runing some
executable file it is showing error
set JAVA_HOME enviroment variable then run.
i try to fix JAVA_HOME enviroment variable at
.profile file but its not working.
plz kind to help

thanks & Regards

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